Jordan Weisman Latest news

Shadowrun Returns creators announce BattleTech kickstarter date

Harebrained Scheme’s BattleTech is getting a Kickstarter campaign later this month. This new sci-fi RPG from Shadowrun Returns creators is coming to PC some time in 2017.

video games

September 18, 2015

Shadowrun Returns creators announce BattleTech kickstarter date

First Info About BattleTech - A Mech Combat RPG From the Creators of Shadowrun

Harebrained Schemes studios have announced a tactical RPG based on the BattleTech universe. This Fall, a crowdfunding project will launch on Kickstarter to gather the necessary funds and the whole venture will be supervised by Jordan Weisman.

video games

July 30, 2015

First Info About BattleTech - A Mech Combat RPG From the Creators of Shadowrun