Great Britain Latest news

„Stop Killing Games” initiative faced second rejection. UK government sees no reason to change the law, but is to „monitor the issue”

„Stop Killing Games” initiative faced second rejection. UK government sees no reason to change the law, but is to „monitor the issue”

The UK government has once again rejected a petition to prevent game developers and publishers from „killing” games once support ends.

video games

Kamil Kleszyk

February 6, 2025

„Stop Killing Games” initiative faced second rejection. UK government sees no reason to change the law, but is to „monitor the issue”
Microsoft Trusts in Activision Blizzard Acquisition; Deal May be Signed on Unlucky Day

Microsoft Trusts in Activision Blizzard Acquisition; Deal May be Signed on Unlucky Day

A historic merger may soon become a reality. Microsoft still has to wait for a decision from the British, but according to rumors, the company has already set an interesting date for the Activision Blizzard acquisition.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

October 6, 2023

Microsoft Trusts in Activision Blizzard Acquisition; Deal May be Signed on Unlucky Day
UK Gaming Industry Will Restrict Access to Loot Boxes Among Children

UK Gaming Industry Will Restrict Access to Loot Boxes Among Children

The British Game Industry Association, in cooperation with the government, has enacted a series of targets to guide the market with regard to lootboxes. The plan is presented in the form of 11 sub-points.

video games

Adam Celarek

July 18, 2023

UK Gaming Industry Will Restrict Access to Loot Boxes Among Children
Microsoft Reportedly Considers Drastic Steps to Get Around CMA's Block on Acti-Blizz Purchase

Microsoft Reportedly Considers Drastic Steps to Get Around CMA's Block on Acti-Blizz Purchase

According to credible rumors, Microsoft has a rather drastic plan B in case the British CMA does not agree to the acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

video games

Adrian Werner

June 4, 2023

Microsoft Reportedly Considers Drastic Steps to Get Around CMA's Block on Acti-Blizz Purchase
Brits Want to Make Sure Microsoft Doesn't Get Activision

Brits Want to Make Sure Microsoft Doesn't Get Activision

Britain's Competition and Markets Authority has issued a regulation on Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The agency wants to make sure the companies don't try to force the deal.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

May 12, 2023

Brits Want to Make Sure Microsoft Doesn't Get Activision
Not Everybody Thinks Lootboxes Are a National Problem

Not Everybody Thinks Lootboxes Are a National Problem

The UK government has conducted an investigation into lootboxes in video games. The conclusions are that the problem exists and needs to be addressed, but it is best if it solves itself.

video games


July 18, 2022

Not Everybody Thinks Lootboxes Are a National Problem
UK Will Investigate Microsoft's Purchase of Activision Blizzard

UK Will Investigate Microsoft's Purchase of Activision Blizzard

The UK Competition and Markets Authority will look into Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard and is open to comments from „interested parties”.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

July 7, 2022

UK Will Investigate Microsoft's Purchase of Activision Blizzard
Intel Won't Build a Factory in the UK Due to Brexit

Intel Won't Build a Factory in the UK Due to Brexit

Intel's new factory will not be built in Great Britain. The reason is the fact that this country is no longer a member of the European Union, i.e. the Brexit. There are 70 other locations in 10 EU countries under consideration.

hardware & software

Arkadiusz Strzala

October 7, 2021

Intel Won't Build a Factory in the UK Due to Brexit
Loot Boxes are Gambling and Ruin Less Well-off Players, Claim UK Researchers

Loot Boxes are Gambling and Ruin Less Well-off Players, Claim UK Researchers

Researchers from Great Britain published an extensive report on loot boxes. The authors prove that the mechanic does indeed fall under the category of gambling and, moreover, it has a tendency to become addictive for people with not very high salaries.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

April 2, 2021

Loot Boxes are Gambling and Ruin Less Well-off Players, Claim UK Researchers
Queen Elizabeth II Warns of Deepfakes in False Message

Queen Elizabeth II Warns of Deepfakes in False Message

A video showing a false Christmas message from Queen Elizabeth II appeared online. The material was created by the British television Channel 4 and its purpose is to warn against deepfake content.

hardware & software

Bart Swiatek

December 29, 2020

Queen Elizabeth II Warns of Deepfakes in False Message
In 2030 Every Fourth British Soldier Could be a Robot

In 2030 Every Fourth British Soldier Could be a Robot

The commander of the British army predicts that in 2030 every fourth soldier may not be human. While presenting in an interview a vision of the future of the armed forces, he suggested that up to 30,000 robots could be „drafted” within the next 10 years.

hardware & software

Konrad Sarzynski

November 9, 2020

In 2030 Every Fourth British Soldier Could be a Robot

Video Games Promote Reading and Writing, Suggests a UK Survey

The British charity National Literary Trust has published the results of a survey on the relationship between video games and reading. The survey shows that gaming can be an incentive to develop writing and reading skills as well as empathy.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

August 12, 2020

Video Games Promote Reading and Writing, Suggests a UK Survey

Founders of Rockstar Games Among the Richest People in UK

The owners of Rockstar Games have again found themselves among the richest people in the UK. Making the GTA V available for free can still affect their total assets, as microtransactions from online mode are still in constant demand.

video games

Krzysztof Kaluzinski

May 19, 2020

Founders of Rockstar Games Among the Richest People in UK

11-year-old Played Too Much GTA, so the Family Gave Him a Real Car

British police have reported the arrest of an 11-year-old boy who was driving a car in one of the car parks in Lancester. According to the information, he was allowed to do so by a relative who was fed up with the fact that the child was spending the whole day in front of a console, playing GTA.

video games

Paul Wozniak

March 4, 2020

11-year-old Played Too Much GTA, so the Family Gave Him a Real Car

Rockstar North Defends Its Tax Breaks

Rockstar North refutes allegations accusing the studio of abusing game developer tax deduction program. According to the team, its success shows that the initiative works and strengthens the British economy.

video games

Adrian Werner

January 21, 2020

Rockstar North Defends Its Tax Breaks

UK's Healthcare: Lootboxes Expose Children to Gambling Addiction

England's mental health director, Claire Murdoch, claims that lootboxes in video games put children at risk of becoming addicted to gambling. Thus, she calls for the companies behind such games to take appropriate action.

video games

Paul Wozniak

January 19, 2020

UK's Healthcare: Lootboxes Expose Children to Gambling Addiction

A Clinic For Treating Gaming Addiction Opens in UK

The British Health Service has announced the opening of the country's first clinic for technology addiction. The facility will treat cases of addiction to video games, social media and the Internet in general.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

October 8, 2019

A Clinic For Treating Gaming Addiction Opens in UK
Not Only Rockstar - Sony and Other Giants Avoid Paying Taxes in UK

Not Only Rockstar - Sony and Other Giants Avoid Paying Taxes in UK

As it turns out, Rockstar is not the only company that avoids tax authorities in Great Britain. Using methods similar to those of the creators of GTA V, giants such as Warner, Sony and Sega earned hundreds of millions of pounds in tax credits. They were all beneficiaries of a scheme intended to support domestic video game developers.

video games

Michael Kulakowski

October 2, 2019

Not Only Rockstar - Sony and Other Giants Avoid Paying Taxes in UK

A School in London Introduced Video Game Classes and Explains Why

There is a special school in North London where students are among the first in the world to have video game classes. Children play popular titles together to develop their social skills.

video games

Konrad Serafinski

August 11, 2019

A School in London Introduced Video Game Classes and Explains Why

Prince Harry Says Fortnite Should be Banned

Prince Harry provoked the ire of gamers by stating that Fortnite is created to addict and such games should be banned.

video games

Adrian Werner

April 6, 2019

Prince Harry Says Fortnite Should be Banned