cyberpunk Latest news

Ray Tracing in Cyberpunk 2077 Initially Only on Nvidia Cards

Ray Tracing in Cyberpunk 2077 Initially Only on Nvidia Cards

Artur Knapik from CD Projekt RED announced in a press interview that on day one ray tracing in Cyberpunk 2077 will be available only for Nvidia GPU owners.

hardware & software

Bart Swiatek

October 21, 2020

Ray Tracing in Cyberpunk 2077 Initially Only on Nvidia Cards
New Keanu Ad for Cyberpunk 2077

New Keanu Ad for Cyberpunk 2077

Another commercial for Cyberpunk 2077 has been released online. On it, Keanu Reeves is asking us an important question about our adventure in Night City.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

October 19, 2020

New Keanu Ad for Cyberpunk 2077
8 Years of Waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 Summarized

8 Years of Waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 Summarized

8 years ago, CD Projekt RED presented the title of its next game - Cyberpunk 2077. During all this time we didn't get the game itself, but a lot of interesting things happened around it and its Polish developers.

video games

Bart Swiatek

October 19, 2020

8 Years of Waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 Summarized
Detroit Become Human Actor Sports Unsual Role in Cyberpunk 2077

Detroit Become Human Actor Sports Unsual Role in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 will feature an adventure revolving around a woman and a drink and snack vending machine. The voice of the machine will be provided by an actor known for one of the main roles in Detroit: Become Human.

video games

Adrian Werner

October 18, 2020

Detroit Become Human Actor Sports Unsual Role in Cyberpunk 2077
Cat Petting, Romance and Other Fun Facts From Cyberpunk 2077

Cat Petting, Romance and Other Fun Facts From Cyberpunk 2077

The most interesting details about Cyberpunk 2077, which are currently known to us, were collected at Reddit. Of course, not all of them have been officially confirmed by the devs, but they still give a good view of the game.

video games

Karol Laska

October 17, 2020

Cat Petting, Romance and Other Fun Facts From Cyberpunk 2077
Gamedec Launch Delayed to Next Year

Gamedec Launch Delayed to Next Year

The devs from the Polish studio Anshar announced that Gamedec will not debut until next year.

video games

Paul Wozniak

October 15, 2020

Gamedec Launch Delayed to Next Year
Cyberpunk 2077 Will Get a Custom Smartphone

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Get a Custom Smartphone

A mobile phone pulled straight from Cyberpunk 2077 will soon become a fact. CD Projekt RED has started cooperation with OnePlus.

video games

Karol Laska

October 15, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Get a Custom Smartphone
New Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser - „We're in”

New Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser - „We're in”

At the end of today's Night City Wire there was a short teaser of Cyberpunk 2077, which you can watch in this news.

video games

Paul Wozniak

October 15, 2020

New Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser - „We're in”
Styles in Cyberpunk 2077; Fashionable Night City and Cosplay

Styles in Cyberpunk 2077; Fashionable Night City and Cosplay

The next Night City Wire also brought with it a dynamic video, in which we can learn what the concept of broadly understood style means in the game world. The winners of the cosplay tournament were also selected.

video games

Karol Laska

October 15, 2020

Styles in Cyberpunk 2077; Fashionable Night City and Cosplay
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Presents Cars, Bikes and Keanu

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Presents Cars, Bikes and Keanu

We just got to know several classes and models of vehicles available in Cyberpunk 2077. The developers also talked about behind the scenes of their work, and Keanu Reeves introduced the players to one of Arch motorcycles.

video games

Paul Wozniak

October 15, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Presents Cars, Bikes and Keanu
Porsche Cooperates With CD Projekt RED on Cyberpunk 2077

Porsche Cooperates With CD Projekt RED on Cyberpunk 2077

Porsche's official profile on Instagram published a short teaser of cooperation between this popular car manufacturer and CD Projekt RED. It's a few seconds long video, where we see 930 Turbo, and in the background we hear music of the band Samurai.

video games

Milosz Szubert

October 15, 2020

Porsche Cooperates With CD Projekt RED on Cyberpunk 2077
Let's Watch Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4

Let's Watch Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4

The fourth broadcast dedicated to Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled for today. The new episode of Night City Wire will present the vehicles available in the game and bring another gameplay.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

October 15, 2020

Let's Watch Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4
Cyberpunk 2077 May Have Been Delayed Once Again

Cyberpunk 2077 May Have Been Delayed Once Again

Game Informer journalist revealed yesterday that the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 could have been postponed once again, but the developers jointly decided to extend the weekly working time.

video games

Paul Wozniak

October 9, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 May Have Been Delayed Once Again
Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4 Schedule

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4 Schedule

We've learned the date of the next stream from the Night City Wire series. This time CD Projekt RED will show the cars waiting for us in Cyberpunk 2077. We will learn about their appearance and sounds, as well as some of their mechanical aspects.

video games

Christian Pieniazek

October 8, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire 4 Schedule
Who's Up for Cyberpunk 2077 Shower Gel and Deodorant?

Who's Up for Cyberpunk 2077 Shower Gel and Deodorant?

After energy drinks and shoes, it was time for shower gels and deodorants. CD Projekt RED started a cooperation with cosmetics manufacturer Old Spice. As a result, sets of Cyberpunk 2077-themed cosmetics appeared in Ukrainian stores.

video games

Agnes Adamus

October 6, 2020

Who's Up for Cyberpunk 2077 Shower Gel and Deodorant?
Adrian Chmielarz Comments on Crunch in CD Projekt RED

Adrian Chmielarz Comments on Crunch in CD Projekt RED

Adrian Chmielarz, well-known Polish game developer, currently working at The Astronauts, decided to comment on the crunch at CD Projekt RED. Among other things, he criticized people who are too eager to criticize the devs of The Witcher and Cyberpunk.

video games

Milosz Szubert

October 5, 2020

Adrian Chmielarz Comments on Crunch in CD Projekt RED
Cyberpunk 2077 Has Gone Gold

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Gone Gold

No more delays for Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt RED informed that the game has gone gold and sent to the press. Thus, the game's debut on November 19 is not threatened.

video games

Paul Musiolik

October 5, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Gone Gold
Cyberpunk 2077 Map and More Postcards From Night City

Cyberpunk 2077 Map and More Postcards From Night City

On the web we can find several images presenting the map of Night City and postcards that will be added to the boxed copies of Cyberpunk 2077.

video games

Bart Swiatek

October 5, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Map and More Postcards From Night City
Keanu Reeves Advertises Cyberpunk 2077 on New Teaser

Keanu Reeves Advertises Cyberpunk 2077 on New Teaser

The NBA finals brought with them a new teaser of Cyberpunk 2077, featuring Keanu Reeves.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

October 1, 2020

Keanu Reeves Advertises Cyberpunk 2077 on New Teaser
Ghostrunner Impressions; RTX and DLSS Support Confirmed

Ghostrunner Impressions; RTX and DLSS Support Confirmed

New information about Polish cyberpunk game Ghostrunner was provided by its creators in an interview with one of the websites. The title will support ray tracing and DLSS.

video games

Arkadiusz Strzala

September 30, 2020

Ghostrunner Impressions; RTX and DLSS Support Confirmed