Street Fighter 6 (SF6) - Problems with Capcom ID Login Explained
Capcom's Street Fighter 6 has launched allowing players to join the brawl. Some of the fans can experience issues with Capcom ID account. Here you will learn more about Capcom ID login.
Even though Street Fighter 6 was warmly welcomed by both critics and players, its launch was still a bit bumpy, nonetheless. Fans, who are playing the game on PC, are not happy with the implementation of Denuvo DRM which supposedly makes the game stutter occasionally. Regardless of platform though, the game requires linking the title to Capcom ID for online play. Let’s explore how to deal with this and jump straight into SF6.
Capcom ID login in Street Fighter 6
First thing to do is to create a Capcom ID account if you haven’t done this already. You can do it on official site. Chances are that if you have played any previous Capcom titles, you will already have this account created.
With this out of the way, you can proceed to launch the game. You will be welcomed with “Confirm CAPCOM ID” popup window with three buttons at the bottom of it. Don’t click anything just yet. You will see a QR code with a web address that will allow you to link your Capcom ID account to the platform’s account you’re playing on (Steam, PSN, Xbox Live). Follow the following steps:
- Rewrite the link directly to an address bar in your browser, or you can just scan the QR code, which is way more convenient.
- After getting to the site, log into your Capcom ID account.
- Successful login will then redirect you to a page with a button, that will further send you to login to an account of the platform you’re playing on.
- Proceed to log in using credentials of your account on corresponding platform. Doing so and confirming should redirect you back to the Capcom ID site.
- On the site, you will hopefully see an information that your account has been correctly linked to Capcom ID.
Only after doing all of that, get back to SF6 and click “Yes, I agree” button. This will let you to get into the game and enjoy it.
Capcom ID unexpected error in SF 6
If you have taken all the necessary steps in correct order and you are still seeing error messages, it is highly probable that the page is unresponsive due to high traffic related to the SF6 launch.
If at any point you will encounter such error, there is unfortunately not much that can be done. If you have been using the QR code to link the accounts, try manually typing the address in a browser or the other way round. If that doesn’t work, unfortunately you will have to wait and try again later while doing all the linking steps from the beginning.
Remember, that if you want to settle up for the solo adventure in World Tour mode for example, you still can do it without linking your account.
If you want to learn more about Street Fighter 6, check also:
- Street Fighter 6 Single Player and Campaign - Everything You Should Know
- Street Fighter 6 (SF6) - Battle Pass Explained
- Street Fighter 6 (SF6) - Turn on Classic Controls in World Tour Mode
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