Stormgate - Mac and Console (Xbox, PS5) Release Explained
Stormgate, a new RTS, will be released soon on PC. Will it reach other platforms though?
Stormgate is an upcoming RTS, which will be released on 13 August 2024 on Steam as an early access title. However, you may play it sooner, on 30 July, if you prepurchase the game. For now, you may be able to check out the title only on PC. Of course, many people would like to see it on other platforms, too. In this guide we will tell you what is developers’ statement on that.
Stormgate – Mac and Console (Xbox, PS5) Release Explained
If you would like to see Stormagate on other platforms, you may have a chance in the future, but don’t expect it happen anytime soon. On Steam forum, in the FAQ, we can read that the game will be released on PC. In the inquiry about platforms we can read: “Steam, and likely some others”. So, other devices are also considered. One of them can be Mac.
In a different FAQ, the one added to the Kickstarter campaign, developers answered questions about Mac.
Will you support Mac?
We are currently focused on Windows PC and expect that to be our only supported platform during Early Access. We would love to support other platforms in the future, but this is not on our current roadmap.
So, again, developers confirm that for now their main platform is PC. However, they are open to ports in the future, after early access period. We have to be patient and wait for more information about this, which will be probably revealed after 1.0 release. According to the post on Steam, the EA period should last at least for a year (but it can of course change).
More:StarCraft 2 Devs Invite to Test New Strategy Game. Stormgate Available at Steam Next Fest