Overwatch 2 is Now Steam's Worst Rated Game [Update]

Overwatch 2 is the first Blizzard game to debut on Steam. Users of the platform have prepared a „warm” welcome for Blizzard.

Kamil Kleszyk


Source: Blizzard Entertainment


For some it will come as a shock, for others as a matter of course - the the hate that has been poured out on Overwatch 2 on Steam, has resulted in Blizzard's production obtaining the title of the worst-rated game on Valve's platform in history.. It currently has 87,871 reviews and only 9% of them are positive.

However, the hero shooter continues to be played by a lot of people - in the last 24 hours the record was 71,406 players at the same time.

If anyone had hoped that the Steam community would greet Overwatch 2 (along with Season 6) on Steam with a bunch of flowers, they were fatally mistaken. Blizzard's online shooter faces a wave of negative reviews.

Honored group

At the time of writing this news, the title already has 30,147 reviews, of which, however, only 13% are positive. As a result Overwatch 2 has made it to the honorable group of the ten lowest rated games on Steam. The shooter currently occupies the 8th position, before Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2.

Overwatch 2 is Now Steams Worst Rated Game [Update] - picture #1
Overwatch 2's overwhelmingly negative reception on Steam. Source: Valve/Steam.

"Overwhelmingly negative" reviews

It should also come as no surprise to anyone that, more than the game itself, Blizzard is getting demolished in reviews. Steam users primarily criticize the company's policies of the past few years, claiming that the release of Overwatch 2 on Valve's platform is a "desperate attempt to get more players."

There is also no shortage of comments saying that Blizzard, focused only on making money, "destroyed a once great game." Players have pointed out to the developers the lack of the promised PvE mode and the locking of characters behind paid season passes.

My personal favorite in the list of the most exotic opinions is the statement, that "people who make adult movies about Overwatch do a better job than the the developers do with their game."

You can read some sample opinions below.

"What Blizzard has done with this game is a big XD. They killed the first one with the desire to do PvE, which we didn't get anyway, so the two in the title lost all meaning. Monetization continues to be what it is, a texture change for a single character that you don't see for 90% of the game costs $20, you continue to grind those tokens to **** death, characters continue to be locked behind a battle pass...," wrote Mr.dark.

"The worst game I've played, run by a stingy American company whose goal is to make as much money as possible, they don't care about balance and whether the game is P2W," accuses Mr.Dark DrAatrox.

"Exactly the same as the first Overwatch, only under the guise of expensive cosmetic items and events made on the knee without much oomph," declares AutisticPony AutisticPony.

"They should make a sequel that includes the PvE we were promised with skill trees and only call it Overwatch 2 then," proposes Brigitte Lindholm.

DLC that doesn't work

In the process, Blizzard gave the community another reason to complain. This time it's about the news of the paid Invasion DLC. It turns out that those who purchased the expansion did not receive it.

"Supposedly good... supposedly, because I don't know. I bought and I don't have it. Congratulations Blizzard, not only did you cancel the talent tree, but now that I purchased the DLC, I did not receive it," complains Favonius.

"I bought it, got it and have it as DLC but I don't have it anymore in the game itself, and you can't get a refund for this product. Blizzard how could you, once again...," asks CPT. ID10T [ZWAT]..

Blizzard representatives have informed that they are aware of the problem and are working on a solution. Unfortunately, the milk has already been spilled, and players do not forget so easily.

Dogs bark, the caravan goes on...

Interestingly, despite such a negative reception of Overwatch 2, there are a really large number of people playing the game. According to the charts on SteamDB in the last hours the game was played by more than 50 thousand users of Valve's platform.

Given such popularity of the shooter, it is doubtful that Blizzard's representatives are concerned about the aforementioned comments.

  1. Overwatch 2 on Steam
  2. Overwatch 2 - official website

Overwatch 2

October 4, 2022

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Kamil Kleszyk

Author: Kamil Kleszyk

At Gamepressure.com deals with various jobs. So you can expect from him both news about the farming simulator and a text about the impact of Johnny Depp's trial on the future of Pirates of the Caribbean. Introvert by vocation. Since childhood, he felt a closer connection to humanities than to exact sciences. When after years of learning came a time of stagnation, he preferred to call it his "search for a life purpose." In the end, he decided to fight for a better future, which led him to the place where he is today.

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