This Website Will Give You Ideas for Co-op With Friends on Steam

Do you have problems with finding games that you can play together with your friends? There is an easy-to-use website that enables you to quickly find out what and with whom you can play in co-op.

Hubert Sledziewski

"I would play Valheim, Phasmophobia or Among Us with my friends on Steam, but I don't want to check to see who has them." If you've ever encountered a similar problem, know that you're not alone. One Reddit user - known by the handle EniGma994 - created a solution for people who are familiar with such situations. It is this website - with its help you can easily select specific friends from your list, and then you will be offered games, where you can spend time together.

As you can see in the video above, using the website is very simple. All you have to do is search for your nickname from Steam (making sure that the privacy settings do not prevent this) and from the displayed list select a few friends, and you will see the co-op games that each of them - including the main interested party - owns. Moreover, thanks to the possibility of selecting tags, we can exclude, for example, MMORPGs from the list or narrow down the search.

This seems to be not only a very simple, but also time-saving solution. No wonder that the post, posted yesterday on Reddit by user EniGma994, has already gathered over 3100 thumbs up and dozens of positive comments.

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Hubert Sledziewski

Author: Hubert Sledziewski

Has been writing professionally since 2016. He joined five years later - although he has known the service since he had access to the internet - to combine his love for words and games. Deals mainly with news and journalism. A sociologist by education, a gamer by passion. He started his gaming adventure at the age of four - with a Pegasus. Currently, prefers PC and demanding RPGs, but does not shy away from consoles or other genres. When he's not playing or writing, he enjoys reading, watching series (less often movies) and Premier League matches, listening to heavy music, and also walking the dog. Almost uncritically loves the work of Stephen King. Does not abandon plans to follow in his footsteps. However, he keeps his first "literary achievements" locked away deep in a drawer.

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