Star Citizen Funding Exceeds $350 Million Thanks to St. Patrick's Day Event

Star Citizen has broke yet another barrier when it comes to funds raised for the development. Team from Cloud Imperium Games managed to raise more than 350 million dollars, donated by over 3 million players.

Milosz Szubert

  1. Star Citizen has already raised over 350 million dollars;
  2. More than 3 million players have pledged their money;
  3. It's still unknown when the title, or the single-player module called Squadron 42, will launch.

Although the space simulator Star Citizen from Cloud Imperium Games and the legendary Chris Roberts (the Wing Commander series) is still in early access, it doesn't stop it from earning money like crazy. Recently, the title managed to reach another milestone when it comes to crowdfunding. It has raised over $350 million in over eight years. More than 3 million players have donated their money to the project.

Interestingly, in recent days, a large increase in contributions took place on March 12. This is not accidental. On this day, the title launched a special event called Stella Fortuna, aimed at celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Among other things, until March 22 you will be able to take part in a video contest and purchase new vehicles (including a green Tumbril Cyclone MT jeep) and special green paint jobs for the ships. Details can be found here.

While we still don't know when Star Citizen or its standalone single-player campaign, Squadron 42, will have its official release, the version of the title available now is capable of keeping you entertained. It's worth noting that it's being developed regularly. The last major patch appeared in mid-December last year. The next one is expected to launch before the end of the first quarter of this year and add, among other things, new locations, missions, ships and vehicles, as well as gameplay elements such as insight into the level of reputation with factions or people, and the ability to push and pull objects. Full roadmap is available here.

Star Citizen Funding Exceeds $350 Million Thanks to St. Patricks Day Event - picture #1
Star Citizen is currently running a special event to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

In early January we informed that Star Citizen managed to raise $79 million in 2020. Will the coming months be even better for the project? If new interesting attractions appear in it, there is a chance that yes.

  1. Star Citizen - official website
  2. Squadron 42 - official website

Star Citizen


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Milosz Szubert

Author: Milosz Szubert

A film expert by education. Has been working at since January 2017. A fan of tennis, basketball, comics, good books, history, and strategic games by Paradox. Recently a self-taught Game Master (apparently he's quite good at it). For several years, he edited films on the Notatnik Kinomana channel on YouTube.

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