Star Citizen Assault on Stanton Introduces First Big Battle to the Game [Updated]

Developers from the Cloud Empire Games have announced that this week Star Citizen will host the Assault on Stanton event, where pilots will be able to take part in large-scale battles against the forces of the terrorist organization XenoThreat.


The launch of Assault on Stanton has been postponed until early next year. The developers announced that they need more time to refine the content.

Star Citizen Assault on Stanton Introduces First Big Battle to the Game [Updated] - picture #1
Developer's entry on the official website of the game.

Original message:


  1. Before Christmas, the Assault on Stanton event begins at Star Citizen;
  2. The event will enable us to take part in great battles with AI-controlled forces;
  3. Players will help the UEE Navy in the fight against the terrorist organisation called XenoThreat.

This week, the space simulator Star Citizen will host the first server-based event offering players the opportunity to take part in a large-scale battle - although unfortunately we won't be fighting against each other but AI-controlled enemies. The event is called Assault on Stanton and will last several days. Below you will find its official teaser.

Description of the event reveals more details. Users will support the UEE Navy in the fight against the terrorist organization XenoThreat and will take part in battles with giant capital ships, trying to defend the title Stanton Star System.

Cloud Imperium Games is calling on all pilots to join the fight against the terrorist organization known as “XenoThreat” in the game’s first-ever, server-wide Dynamic Event. Unmatched in size, scope, and scale for any prior event in Star Citizen to-date, the “Assault on Stanton” Dynamic Event features multiple phases scheduled to play out over multiple days as pilots band together and rally to the defense of the Stanton System. This will be the first time Star Citizen pilots will have the chance to join forces with the UEE Navy and lead assaults against enemy capital ships. Expect large-scale encounters featuring AI controlled fleets including capital ships," reads the event's description.

The developers have not yet given a specific launch date for Assault on Stanton, but it is scheduled to start before Christmas. It is worth noting that patch 3.12 recently launched in Star Citizen; it is associated with the event and introduce number of novelties.

  1. Star Citizen - official website

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