Skull and Bones Isn't Out Yet, Ubisoft Already Plans 4 Seasons. New Trailer Outlines Details
Ubisoft has given us a glimpse of its plans for Skull and Bones' post-release support1. In the five-minute video, the developers briefly discussed endgame and content that will arrive within a year after release.

After many a delay, we will finally set sail in Skull and Bones in a month. Ubisoft ramped up the atmosphere before the debut of its long-developed production, presenting us today with extensive material on its further development.
Skull and Bones: endgame and post-release content
In the five-minute-long material, the developers introduced the "free endgame content" and also provided plans for the game's development after the premiere.
From the above video, we learned that in the 12 months after the release of Skull and Bones, we will have four seasons -- called: Raging Tides, Chorus of Havoc, Into the Dragon's Wake, Shadows of the Deep -- with powerful pirate lords to defeat. At the same time, we will be building our legend on the waters filled with robbers.
The endgame, content tailored for players who have completed the main storyline, will in turn give us the opportunity to create our own pirate empire. We will no longer work for famous captains -- instead, we will become their rivals.
There are also details related to PvP. The creators have prepared the Helm Wagers modes, in which you will be able to multiply or lose your valuables, and Cutthroat Cargo, in which we will have to search for hidden treasures using treasure maps.
Let's add that each season will also include time-limited events with prizes. The results achieved in all these activities will affect our position in the kingpin rankings.
Skull and Bones will be released on February 16 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.