Saints Row Will Undergo a Total Makeover; Devs Encourage Players to Return [UPDATE]
Better combat, new options and hundreds of fixes - all of this is coming to Saints Row in a major update with the robbery DLC.

Big update Sunshine Springs for Saints Row is now available (described here in detail), similarly the story DLC The Heist & The Hazardous. Below we post the trailer for the latter:
Original news (May 5)
Latest Saints Row was supposed to be a new beginning for this crazy series, but the title turned out to be a disastrous misfire. Nevertheless, just as in the case of Forspoken, the publisher has given the developers the green light for further development of the game.
This will take the form of not only a story DLC, but also a huge update that is expected to completely transform Saints Row. The details are discussed in a post on the game's official website.
Total metamorphosis
The update is expected to add a new district - the tourist Sunshine Springs - and a selfie mode. However, these are essentially the least important innovations. Far more important, perhaps, are the numerous gameplay improvements implemented by Volition and Gearbox Software, which has taken over work on Saints Row and the entire studio after the game's release.
- At the forefront are sweeping changes to the combat system to make it "more fluid and cooler" than before. Enemies will have much less health and it will be easier to interrupt their attempts to summon reinforcements, and there will be various improvements, including aiming, ammo consumption, interface, etc.
- There will also be new features to the game: a quick selection wheel for emotes (up to eight), the ability to disable the display of health bars, and considerable improvements in creating and modifying playlists.
- In addition, the update will introduce fixes to missions and a host of other improvements that will improve the game's performance, trophies, challenges, etc.
The patch will debut along with The Heist and The Hazardous expansion on May 9.