Runescape Devs Changed Their Mind - Fan Project Will be Spared
Protests from RuneScape players, who stood against a controversial dev decision aimed at one of the modders, have been felt by the studio. Jagex has issued a new statement on the matter, this time with a positive tone.

Yesterday we informed about the controversy surrounding RuneScape, caused by developer decision against the modder working on the RuneLite HD mod. Mod, to which the creator devoted a total of two years, was to improve the quality of textures in Jagex's game. Huge amount of work put into the project by its creator known as 117, however, was not appreciated - studio suddenly ordered him to abandon the project. Of course, this caused a righteous indignation of the community, which did not remain without impact on the developers.
We did not have to wait long for a follow-up announcement to appear on the official website of Old School RuneScape . Overnight, the developers changed their position, certainly influenced by the response they received from the community. As they themselves admit, it was not positive, but also this type of reaction should be taken into consideration. Therefore, the studio has made a very important decision, by finally agreeing to 117's proposal, who suggested that his mod will be available until the studio releases their own graphic update.
"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release."
Of course, this turn of events was also announced on Twitter by the creator of the mod, who confirmed the information contained in the announcement, also asking the community to be respectful towards Jagex employees. In this whole confusion it is so important that this matter was mentioned both in the tweet and the announcement. Why? Because some people working at the studio have received a ton of threats and have been harassed in the wake of the previous decision. It's rather clear that such a situation shouldn't happen even with extremely controversial resolutions, as 117 himself pointed out.
However, it all boils down to the fact that the modder managed to work out matter with the studio and thanks to the backlash in the community, the RuneLite HD case is moving in the right direction. Therefore, there is nothing left now but to wait until 117 releases his work and players will finally be able to enjoy the refreshed graphics. Of course, waiting for the official patch.