RPG Classic Planescape Torment Began as Three Different Games. Feargus Urquhart Reveals Details About One of Them
The developer of Planescape: Torment gave a little insight into one of the three projects that eventually turned into the cult RPG.

The iconic RPG Planescape: Torment never received a sequel, although we know that at one time as many as three games in the series were being created simultaneously, of which only one was ultimately released. Last year, the reason for this state of affairs was revealed in an interview by the founder of Black Isle Studios, Feargus Urquhart. Now the same creator has shed some light on one of those projects.
The information comes from PC Gamer, which recently had the opportunity to talk to Urquhart. He conveyed that in the case of one of the projects, "almost nothing" has been done. We don't know anything about the next one, unfortunately, but the creator was eager to comment on the third one. The project in question was supposed to be a fully 3D first-person dungeon crawler. It was supposed to use the new 3D accelerated GPUs of that time, such as Voodoo from 3dfx.
I said, "Okay, we need a game that we can simply make, without inventing new technology". We're going to use the Baldur's Gate engine and differentiate ourselves by having a character that's not just a generic character. We will strengthen this by bringing the camera closer."
Over time, many resources were devoted to the unreleased sequel to Stonekeep, which enabled new developers to prove themselves, having received a lot of creative freedom on the project. Interestingly, some of them didn't even know the world of Planescape before starting work, as mentioned by the game's lead artist, Tim Donley.
[Urquhart - ed. note] came in one day and said "let's make a Planescape game," and I was like, "what's Planescape ?"
Eventually, one project was delivered and today it can boast the status of one of the most iconic games in the RPG genre. Who knows, maybe the Planescape series will return to us someday, just as Baldur's Gate 3 did.
- games trivia
- Planescape (franchise)
- gamedev behind-the-scenes
- Feargus Urquhart
- PC