Rockstar hires for a next-gen project
Rockstar India and New York branches are looking for specialists for a mysterious next-gen project.
Gear Nuke has noticed that Rockstar India is looking for artists to join a team working on next-gen open worlds for an upcoming production. Additionally, the Indian branch of the company is looking for a vehicle artist. It seems that the work on GTA 6 is in full swing.
In addition, Rockstar New York is looking for a MoCap developer to create next-gen tools. The same branch also wants to hire a specialist in facial animation r&d. This is not the end of Rockstar's job opportunities, as the Toronto-based subsidiary is looking for employees for a project that uses next-gen tools.
Everything seems to indicate that work on the new game from Rockstar has started. All offers refer to the work on a next-gen title. It seems that we will soon hear about the new title from the creators of RDR2. This is not a big surprise, especially when you are familiar with the company's publishing cycle. Rockstar spends many years on refining the new title – the launch of Red Dead Redemption and its continuation are almost a decade apart. It is also worth noting that the creators will continue to develop Red Dead Online for years to come.
Work on the new next-gen title are starting. We will have to wait for its official announcement, especially because apart from numerous rumours we have not received any specific information from Sony and Microsoft about the successors of the current generation of consoles. The signs indicate that both companies are at the last stretch of designing the new hardware, but the launch may take place as far as in 2020.