Bought a Skin in LoL, Pay Extra for the Icon
Patch 12.16 in LoL is controversial, but not because of buffs or nerfs. Players aren't happy with how Riot Games has treated owners of Spirit Guard Udyr.

League of Legends has finally seen the new Udyr. The character has undergone an impressive VGU (Visual Gameplay Update), but it has not been without controversy. These concern the hero's legendary skin - Spirit Guard Udyr - and the icons associated with it.
Give a penny to Riot
In the description of patch 12.16, which rolled out tonight, we can find information that has, to put it lightly, outraged the game's community. It is about the icons of Spirit Guard Udyr, for which you will have to pay extra. Let me reassure you right away - it does not cost 250 RP (like other icons available in the store), but only 5 RP.
"Introducing a set of five new icons that perfectly match the new image of Spirit Guard Udyr. The original icons will no longer be obtainable, but will remain in your inventory if you had a chance to grab them. You will get the new icons automatically when you buy Spirit Guard Udyr, and if you already own this skin, you can grab them from the store for 5 RP."
Player reactions
The world will not collapse by spending a few extra RPs, but players already owning the skin felt aggrieved. For many of them, the logical step would be to simply give them the icons for free, as they had already bought that skin once. That's all.
"On the one hand, nobody cares about 5 RP.
On the other, 5 RP is so insignificant that it’s confusing why they even bothered," wrote ShinyGrezz.
"As a long time Udyr main who waited for this rework for a long ass time, I feel very much insulted by this shit," wrote ScarletChild.
"As an owner of spirit guard udyr.
And an owner of only 2 rp
It feels dumb that I can't just get the icons," wrote ZeroNatal.
The situation is not improved by the fact that when Cybernetic Ezreal got VGU, those who owned this skin got the related icons completely free of charge.. The same happened with Karma, Sejuani, Trundle and Gangplank.
Patch 12.16 in a nutshell
There is not much going on in the update, by far the most interesting aspect of it right after Udyr are changes in ARAM. It looks like Riot is going to refine the mode a bit and balance the characters dueling on Howling Abyss.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that new skins from the Iron Firmament series will appear in the store tomorrow. The detailed patch notes for 12.16 can be found on LoL's official website.