Replica of Sam Fisher's Goggles Teases New Splinter Cell
GameStop offers a replica of Sam Fisher's goggles from the Splinter Cell series. In their description, we can find information about the upcoming release of the latest installment of the series.

A few weeks ago we informed that the CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, announced the continuation of the Splinter Cell series. Although the game itself should not be expected soon, we did not have to wait long for a confirmation of his words. One of Reddit users found a replica of the title character's goggles in GameStop. Maybe it wouldn't be anything unusual if it weren't for the product description.

The aforementioned tenth installment looming on the horizon is probably the project that Guillemot was talking about. However, according to his words, we will have to wait for the new game for a little longer, so it is quite possible this was the reason why the goggles disappeared from the store's offer.
They could be bought in pre-order for $39.99, and their announced delivery date was set for November 1, 2019. The gadget could tempt many fans and cosplayers - manufacturers assured about the comfort of use and features such as lights and sounds, which were to reflect the atmosphere of the series.
This is not the first time we have learned about a new title thanks to accidental disclosure in an online store. A similar situation happened with Need for Speed: Heat, whose pre-order appeared prematurely in an Austrian shop. Leaks of this type are usually quite reliable, so it is possible that we will hear more about the new installment of Splinter Cell soon.