PSP Store Closed Permanently; PS3 and PS Vita Stores Still Operating
The PSP store is closing completely, digital versions of games for the portable console will only be available in PS3 and PS Vita stores.
Back in 2016, Sony removed the option to buy new games on PlayStation Portable, but you could still browse the store and make purchases inside the games you already owned. However, starting next week, and more specifically beginning with July 6, 2021, the company will disable the ability to purchase any products directly from the PSP store. You won't be able to make in-console purchases, but there is still an option left for potential customers to get PSP games through the stores on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Importantly, the players will retain access to previously purchased games and will be able to download them at any time.
In this way, Sony shuts down its next product and slowly closes the life cycle of the aged console, while giving latecomers a chance to catch up on some games. The corporation does not want to risk losing its customers, but on the other hand, can not maintain all services indefinitely when they are used by an increasingly smaller group of recipients.
Here comes the classic question - is it better to rely on digital copies of games or just buy physical versions and enjoy them without worrying that you will one day lose access to them? What do you think is a better solution? Do boxed games still have a future?