PS5 Vs PS5 Pro - We Compare Specs and Capabilities of Sony's Consoles

In this article, we compare the PlayStation 5 Pro and the base model of the PlayStation 5. Here, you will find a detailed comparison of the technical specifications of the two consoles, information on the additional capabilities of the PS5 Pro, and details on the weight and dimensions of these devices.

Christian Pieniazek

Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment

The launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro is a perfect moment to compare the technical specifications and capabilities of this console with its predecessor, the basic PS5. In this article, we examine the key components of both PlayStation 5 models and also discuss the performance, weight, and dimensions of the PS5 Pro.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - processor

  1. At the heart of the PlayStation 5 Pro is an 8-core and 16-thread processor based on the AMD Zen 2 architecture.
  2. Unofficially, it is known that this is a unit at the level of the base PlayStation 5, which has a clock speed of 3.5 GHz.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - graphics

  1. According to information revealed by Sony, the graphics in the PlayStation 5 Pro are powered by a chip equipped with 67 percent more compute units and 28 percent faster memory than the GPU in the base PS5 model.
  2. Both systems are based on AMD RDNA technology.
  3. The base PS5 has a 10.28 teraflops GPU, while the PS5 Pro has a 16.7 teraflops GPU.
  4. You can read more about the importance of teraflops in the context of PlayStation 5 Pro in our other article.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - RAM

  1. The base PlayStation 5 has 16 GB of GDDR6 RAM memory.
  2. PlayStation 5 Pro received 16 GB of GDDR6 RAM and an additional 2 GB of DDR5 memory.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - storage

  1. The basic model of PlayStation 5 is equipped with a 1 TB SSD.
  2. PlayStation 5 Pro has twice the amount of free storage space – its SSD has a capacity of 2 TB.
PS5 vs. PS5 Pro - we compare the specs and capabilities of Sonys consoles - picture #1
Despite being smaller in size than the premiere PS5 model, the PlayStation 5 Pro has significantly more power. Source: own.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - performance

  1. This console is expected to have these capabilities thanks to the use of PSSR technology and other additional features.
  2. Furthermore, it's worth noting that the PS5 Pro is equipped with Game Boost, which increases and stabilizes the frame rate in PS4 and PS5 games, as well as improves image quality in selected PlayStation 4 titles.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - weight and dimensions

  1. The PS5 Pro weighs 3.1 kg, making it lighter than the original PlayStation 5 but heavier than the PlayStation 5 Slim.
  2. The same is true when it comes to size – the PS5 Pro is slightly larger than the PS5 Slim, but smaller than the first PlayStation 5 model.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 – price

  1. The PlayStation 5 Pro has an official price of $699.99 (for the disc-less console).
  2. The PlayStation 5 Slim in the Digital version (without a drive) can be purchased for around $434.99.

PS5 Pro vs PS5 - summary


PlayStation 5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Slim (Digital Edition)


8-core and 16-thread AMD Zen 2

8-core and 16-thread AMD Zen 2 with a clock speed of 3.5 GHz


AMD GPU with a performance of 16.7 teraflops

AMD GPU with a performance of 10.28 teraflops


16 GB GDDR6 and 2 GB DDR5





Game Boost and PSSR functions



Weight and dimensions

3.1 kg | 388 x 89 x 216 mm

2.6 kg | 358 x 97 x 224 mm


$699.99 (console without drive)


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Christian Pieniazek

Author: Christian Pieniazek

Started working with in August 2016. Although the Game Encyclopedia has been his pride and joy from the beginning, he also writes for the Newsroom and the Editorial section. Gained professional experience through a now-defunct service, in which he worked for almost three years. Graduated in Cultural Studies at the AGH University of Krakow. Runs his own business, jogs, cycles, loves mountain hiking, is a fan of nu metal, is interested in space, and of course, enjoys playing games. Feels best in action games with an open world and RPGs, although won't turn down good racing or shooting games.

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