75% of PS5 Buyers Switched From PS4

Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan announced in a press interview that 25% of PlayStation 5 owners have not previously owned a PlayStation 4 console.



  1. 75% of PS5 buyers are people who owned a PS4;
  2. The information appeared in a statement of Sony Interactive Entertainment's CEO Jim Ryan.

Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan recently gave an interview to the GQ magazine. One of the topics of the conversation was how the PlayStation 5 console is currently doing in the market and who is buying it. It seems that 75% of the time it's people who previously owned a PlayStation 4.

"One in four of those who have bought a PlayStation 5 do not have a PS4 and those around about half are new to the PlayStation Network. So it’s really nice that we’re able to bring in people from outside," said Ryan.

Is this good data for the Japanese company? In general, yes - potentially the player base focused on the PlayStation ecosystem could grow this generation, as the brand attracts people previously unconnected to it. However, it is worth remembering that according to recent data, the PS5 console did not beat the record launch sales of the PS4, although it enjoys a comparable interest (it would have probably been greater,if not for the shortages).

The launch of PlayStation 5 took place on November 12th (or 19th, depending on the region) last year. Two models went on sale - normal and Digital Edition.

  1. PS5 Review - A Promise of a Better Tomorrow
  2. PlayStation 5 - official website
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