Pillars of Eternity – new gameplay and a fragment of documentary film
A video has been published from the panel hosted by Obsidian Entertainment at this year's PAX East where Pillars of Eternity has been presented. In addition to showing off a rather lengthy gameplay, the developers also responded to fans' questions.
A video (which you can see above) has emerged of a recorded panel held by Obsidian Entertainment during this year's edition of gaming event Pax East in Boston. The developers from Obsidian have once again presented their most popular, yet still unreleased, work of the recent years, Pillars of Eternity, demonstrating a nearly 50-minute long gameplay, as well as talking about the canonical companions in the game. There was also a session devoted to answering fans' questions. Players who enjoy uncovering all the plot secrets by themselves should skip the first 11 minutes of the video to avoid potential spoilers about the companions of the main protagonist of Pillars of Eternity.
Road of Eternity – behind the scenes of Pillars of Eternity
It is also worth mentioning that the official Vimeo channel of Obsidian Entertainment published a fragment of a documentary film called Road to Eternity (which you can see above), showing behind-the-scenes of the development of Pillars of Eternity. We can learn from the film that prior to the highly successful Kickstarter fundraising campaign, the future of Obsidian looked rather bleak, with a serious risk of the company going bankrupt. This situation was supposedly associated with working on a big production that was suddenly canceled, leaving the developers high and dry, and leading to some reductions in employment.
Pillars of Eternity is due to be released on 26th March for PC with Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The game will be available in three digital editions, as well as a box edition which will be published in Poland by Cenega.