Pillars of Eternity 3.0 update overview
Pillars of Eternity: The White March Part II is coming out on February 16th. That very day fans will also get a free game update. Patch 3.0 will introduce new content, gameplay mechanics and some overall improvements.
Along with the second and last expansion for Pillars of Eternity comes a free patch to the original game with several interesting features. As discussed in the above commentary video from Obsidian Entertainment, 3.0 update will add content to Caed Nua stronghold, such as interesting visitors with their own stories and dilemmas, as well as new quests. Those who would like to focus on the game’s narrative instead of fighting will be able enjoy Story Time mode with easier combat. Besides, Athletics and Survival skills will become more meaningful, offering respecively a powerful healing ability and resting bonuses. Other changes include improved UI, knockout injuries, expanded bestiary and late game revisions. You can find the full changelog here.
The patch will be available the same day as The White March Part II, that is on February 16th. Apart from concluding the story started by the Part I, the expansion will introduce a new companion, abilities, missions, and raised level cap.