Paycheck of Activision Blizzard's New CEO Revealed

Activision Blizzard hired its new CEO, Daniel Alegre, a few days ago. However, already yesterday the official information about his planned annual earnings appeared on the web.

Paycheck of Activision Blizzards New CEO Revealed - picture #1
Activision Blizzard has hired a new CEO.

Quite recently we learned that the new president and CEO of Activision Blizzard is one of the former Google managers - Daniel Alegre. The official documents submitted by the company to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with hiring the new CEO reveal his planned annual earnings. These, as you probably guess, will be really big.

Daniel Alegre's basic paycheck will be $1.35 million. In addition, he can receive bonuses of up to 100% of his basic annual pay. What's more, the base salary will be increased by another 100% if the company records 20% more revenue per share than expected. In total, this gives just over $4 million a year. Not enough? Then add a one-time bonus on signing the contract (2.5 million dollars) and company shares (worth about 5 million dollars). Also included is Alegre and his wife's health insurance (also worth about $5 million).

You have to admit, that's a pretty big sum. But Daniel Alegre will not have an easy task, especially in the current situation of the company. Activison Blizzard faces many challenges, including the release of Diablo IV, a title highly-anticipated by many fans around the world, with appropriately high expectations. This time, however, after the failure of Warcraft III: Reforged, players may not forgive another slip-up.

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