Party Size in Warhaven Explained

Are you wondering what is the party limit in Warhaven? In our article, we explain this issue.

Dawid Lubczynski

Source: Warhaven, developer: Nexon

Warhaven is a dynamic multiplayer game in which players choose one of the warriors diversified in terms of gameplay. In this title, teams compete for dominance on the map, completing various missions and killing enemies. Recently, however, the size of the party in this title has caused some dissatisfaction among players. In this article, we explain how it now works and what has changed in this aspect.

What is the party size in Warhaven?

Initially (in tests) two teams of 16 players competed against each other in skirmishes. They were also divided into smaller squads of four, which could include people we invited. However, with the arrival of Warhaven's early access, a change has been made regarding squad size, which now consists of 3 people instead of 4. As a result, the team now has a total of 12 players.

The game's developers, Nexon, explains this decision by saying that such a solution will not influence the feeling of the gameplay, and it will be still the same large-scale combat experience, as you know from tests.

Can I play with more than 2 friends in Warhaven?

Fans of this production expected up to 12 friends in a party based on the introduced max players’ limit. Unfortunately, as we now know, for the squad, it is max 3 people. This means that you won't even play with three or more friends in the same party. Taking into account that this possibility was in the past, it is probably not out of the picture completely. Maybe Nexon will introduce a solution to this problem in the future (for example as a separate mode), if players demand it, but no such promise has been made yet.

Read also:

  1. Warhaven – Crossplay and Cross Platform Explained
  2. Warhaven – Console Release (PS5 and Xbox) Explained


April 5, 2024

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Dawid  Lubczynski

Author: Dawid Lubczynski

He completed his first degree studies in journalism. His adventure with Gamepressure began in 2019 when he undertook the difficult art of writing complex game guides. Over the years, became a specialist genre; in his spare time, he reads about mixtures that will help him reduce stress after the thousandth death at the same stage of the game. A huge fan of fighting games (Tekken) who regularly participates in tournaments.

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