Owl Totem in Roots of Pacha; Puzzle Solved
In this guide we will tell you how to complete the Owl Totem puzzle in Roots of Pacha. Learn more about it here.

Roots of Pacha is a new farming game that was officially launched on April 25, 2023. It shares similarities with popular titles like Stardew Valley and Sun Haven. In the game, players become part of a prehistoric tribe. The objective is to explore the world, build the community, and discover your mysterious destiny. During exploration, you will encounter the Owl Totem Puzzle, and we will guide you through it.
Owl Totem – offering
To activate the Owl Totem, you have to offer it proper objects. Each glyph requires something else.

From left to right:
- G-like glyph – it is the same symbol, as in the case of previous totem, you have to put here pomegranate or a pinecone.
- U-like glyph – you have to put here a root. It means a vegetable, which you grow – carrot is ideal.
- MW-like glyph – offer a fish here.

Owl Totem puzzle – solution

If you offer proper products, the Owl Totem will allow you to start a challenge. Your task is to let the light beam hit the owl statue in the middle of the cave. To do this, you have to move between few islands, it is necessary to fly there. You can change into a bird thanks to the special circles with an owl emblem. It is also possible to go back to a human form there.
To change the direction of the beam, rotate special pillars. The trick is that for the light to reach the owl, all of them have to be connected by the beam. It is a good idea to scout the cave before you start the puzzle and check which pillars are in the straight line to each other.
If you have problems with that, we have prepared some screenshots, how it should look like. There are presented below in order: upper left, upper right, bottom right, bottom left/center, final center.
If you want to learn more about Roots of Pacha, read also:
- Cave puzzle in Roots of Pacha
- Multiplayer and Crossplay in Roots of Pacha Explained
- Roots of Pacha vs Stardew Valley - Which to Choose?
Upper left corner

Upper right corner

Lower right corner

Lower left corner/centre

Centre – final