Oddworld Soulstorm Goes to Epic Games Store
The team at Oddworld Inhabitants has announced that the PC version of Oddworld: Soulstorm will be an Epic Games Store exclusive. Magic: The Gathering Arena, as revealed by Wizard of the Coasts, will share the same fate.
Soulstorm, the latest production from the Oddworld series, is due to debut on PC and consoles in 2020. Oddworld Inhabitants, the team responsible for its creation, announced yesterday that the PC version of their work will be available only on Epic Games Store. The developers wasted no time and tried to explain to the players why they made such a decision. As you can easily guess, this is "guaranteed profit," an important (most important?) bargaining chip in Epic Games' discussions with potential partners. The money raised in this way is intended to be used by developers to make the project so good that it meets the expectations of both players and themselves.
As the devs themselves say:
We’ve been financing Soulstorm 100% ourselves. Soulstorm is our most ambitious game ever (...). But to create the version of Soulstorm we want, and you deserve, we needed additional financial assistance. (...) Epic supports our goal and commitment and is willing to help us achieve them (...), and we are incredibly grateful.
It is worth noting that fans of commenting on the post mostly refrain from throwing mud at the creators, but appreciate their sincerity; voices of clear dissatisfaction belong to the minority.

This is not the end of the information related to new exclusive titles on Epic Games Store. Wizards of the Coast announced that Magic: The Gathering Arena will also become an exclusively in the Fortnite creators' store, where it will go in winter. However, there will still be nothing to prevent this game from being downloaded directly from its official website.