Most popular News - January 2023

Total War Warhammer 3 All Console Commands and Cheats
Total War: Warhammer 3 does not officially offer access to the command console. However, there is a mod that introduces access to the aforementioned tool into the game, and you can learn a little more about it here.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
January 18, 2023

Is There Crossplay in Green Hell (2023); Cross Platform Explained
Is there crossplay in Green Hell and how is it different from Cross Platform? Find the answers to these questions in the guide below.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 24, 2023

Cities Skylines - Install Mods on Epic Games
Do you own Cities: Skylines on the Epic Games Store and want to install mods? Here you will learn how to do it. You will also get to know some websites where you can download mods.
video games
Agnes Adamus
January 4, 2023

We Explain the Stock Market in Hitman Freelancer
A Stock Market is available in Hitman Freelancer. Thanks to the following guide, you will learn more about it and learn some tips you should know before you put your money there.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 31, 2023

Potion Craft 1.0 - Necromancy Potion Location and Recipe
Necromancy effect in Potion Craft is one of the most difficult to find. In this article we talk about how to create Necromancy Potion, learn its location on the map.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 5, 2023

Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires - Easiest Faction to Play (Ranked)
If you are wondering which faction to choose in Total War Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires, then read our guide. We present our tier list of the best factions for beginners ranked.
video games
Matthias Pawlikowski
January 18, 2023

Bannerlord - Criminal Rating Explained; How to Get Rid of It
Have you thought about a career as a villain in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord? If so, in this guide you will learn everything important about criminal rating.
video games
Dawid Lubczynski
January 18, 2023

BDO - On the Last Page Guide
In the On The Last Page of the Exchange Journal quest in BDO, you need to solve a certain puzzle. In this guide you will learn how to complete this quest.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 17, 2023

How to Get Queen Bee in Green Hell
You can build a beehive in Green Hell, but you need a queen bee to make it work. In this guide you will learn how to get one and how to produce honey.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 24, 2023

Potion Craft - Insect Repellent Recipe
If you want to create an insect repellent in Potion Craft then read this article. We will tell you how to get rid of the mosquito.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 5, 2023

Fan Remaster of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Got New Version
We lived to see a new version of Tiberian Sun Client, a fan-made free-to-play game that refreshes the iconic RTS from the Command & Conquer series.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
January 8, 2023

Bannerlord - How to Increase Workshop Level
Are you bothered by the fact that the workshop in Bannerlord is on the first level and wondering if something can be done about it? In this guide you will find out if it is possible to improve the workshop in the game.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 17, 2023

Best Pistols in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
What are the best pistols in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint? You will learn the answer to this question in the following guide.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 25, 2023

Bannerlord - Wife Not Getting Pregnant Tips
What to do to get your wife pregnant in Bannerlord? In this guide you will learn all about having children in this game.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 12, 2023

Is Your Multiplayer Locked in Titanfall 2? We Have a Fix For That
Are you trying to play online in Titanfall 2, but multiplayer doesn't work? In the following guide you will learn how you can get rid of this problem.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
January 27, 2023

Is State of Decay 2 on PS4 and other platforms in 2023
In this article we tell you if State of Decay 2 is on PS4 and other platforms. If you want to experience the zombie apocalypse, you've come to the right place.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 10, 2023

Dinkum - Platforms, Release Date and Cross Platform
This article addresses the platforms on which Dinkum has been and will be released. If you are curious when the game will launch on Switch, Xbox or PlayStation, you have come to the right place.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 2, 2023

How to Change Ideology in HOI4
In this article we tell you how to change ideology in HOI4. With us you will set up your own ruling party.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 19, 2023

Best Hero in Hero Siege; Class Tier List 2023
In this article, we introduce the class tier list in Hero Siege. Meet the best hero.
video games
Damian Gacek
January 25, 2023

Find Out What Assassin Nearby Means in Hitman Freelancer
Hitman introduced a Freelancer mode, featuring mechanics taken from roguelike games. During the execution of the final mission of the campaign you will come across a message that reads 'Assassin Nearby'. Here you will learn what it means.
video games
Agnes Adamus
January 31, 2023