News 30 May 2021

No More Cheating Coaches in CS:GO? Valve Has a Solution
In the latest update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Valve introduced a new feature - coaches' positions will be recorded in the round's backup files to prevent future cheating on their part.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
May 30, 2021

Dying Light 2: Disk Size, Cross-play, Ray Tracing and... Microtransactions
The release of Dying Light 2 is still far away, but thanks to the launch of pre-orders, we've learned a bit about its technical aspects.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
May 30, 2021

Steam May be Planning to Introduce a Game Library Manager
Steam may be planning to introduce a game library manager to make it easier for us to manage the titles installed on our drive.
hardware & software
Hubert Sledziewski
May 30, 2021

Modders Port Van Buren Project to Fallout: New Vegas Engine
Fallout fans have tackled another ambitious project. They intend to recreate Van Buren, a canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle, on the New Vegas engine.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
May 30, 2021

Total War: Three Kingdoms Review Bombed After End of Support Announcement
Fans of Total War: Three Kingdoms did not take the news of the end of support for the game well. They showed their dissatisfaction by review bombing it.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
May 30, 2021