News 11 April 2021

Nintendo CEO Promises More New IPs in the Future
Shuntaro Furukawa, the CEO of Nintendo, announced that the Japanese giant will be investing in new IPs more often in the future.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
April 11, 2021

Outriders Players Continue to Lose Gear, Threaten to Drop the Game
An update has been released for Outriders recently, which was supposed to improve the game balance and fix some bugs, including the one that caused the disappearance of player equipment. However, the latter has not been completely eliminated.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
April 11, 2021

WWE 2K22 Announced; First Teaser Available
2K Games has shown us the first teaser of WWE 2K22, which should be released later this year. It looks like the game is running on a new graphics engine.
video games
Paul Musiolik
April 11, 2021

Content of Last Update for Civilization VI to be Revealed Tomorrow
Tomorrow Firaxis Games will reveal content that will be made available as the final free update for Civilization VI.
video games
Paul Musiolik
April 11, 2021

Age of Mythology May Soon Return
In addition to news on the Age of Empires series, Microsoft's yesterday presentation also brought hope that its spin-off, Age of Mithology, may soon return.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
April 11, 2021

Age of Empires 2 and 3 Remasters Will Get New Expansions
Microsoft has announced new expansions for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition. What can we expect and when will they appear?
video games
Paul Musiolik
April 11, 2021