News 19 September 2020
Nolan North Battles Marvel for Another Deadpool Game
The actor playing Deadpool in the video game, Nolan North, is trying hard to convince Marvel to create another part of the title. The actor would also see Ryan Reynolds in it, known for his movie version of merc with a mouth.
video games
Karol Laska
September 19, 2020

First Meeting of Writers of The Witcher: Blood Origin
Netflix officially started working on The Witcher: Blood Origin. On this occasion, the showrunner of the production, Declan De Barra, uploaded a joint photo from the first meeting of the series' screenwriters.
movies & tv series
September 19, 2020
Dark Knight Beats Corona and Returns to the Set
Robert Pattinson defeated the coronavirus and returns to the set of his latest Batman movie. The work can finally proceed at full speed, which is great news for the fans.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
September 19, 2020
Another Opportunity to Get RTX 3080 Coming Next Week
Nvidia confirmed that next week it will replenish the stock of the RTX 3080, which sold out seconds after launch. Those who have missed their chance can prepare for the next race.
hardware & software
Mikolaj Laszkiewicz
September 19, 2020

Crysis Remastered Uses Denuvo and Has the Usual Problems
Crysis Remastered is not a good remaster. Despite many visual improvements, the game has significant problems with using all processor cores. Additionally, it uses the disliked Denuvo.
video games
Paul Musiolik
September 19, 2020

What About Cyberpunk 2077's 4K and RTX Requirements?
The official requirements of Cyberpunk 2077, as announced yesterday by CD Projekt RED, lacked information about what hardware will be required to enjoy 4K gameplay and/or ray tracing. When will we find out?
video games
September 19, 2020
No More TikTok for US Citizens as Donald Trump Keeps His Word
Donald Trump's regulation to prevent Americans from further downloading of TikTok and WeChat applications will come into force this Sunday. The information was confirmed by the administration of the current US President.
hardware & software
Karol Laska
September 19, 2020
Main Thread of Cyberpunk 2077 Will be Shorter Due to The Witcher 3
One of the CD Projekt Red's employees said that the main storyline in Cyberpunk 2077 will be a bit shorter than that of The Witcher 3. This does not mean, however, that we will not spend many hours in Night City.
video games
Mikolaj Laszkiewicz
September 19, 2020
Origins Update Coming to No Man's Sky
Sean Murray from Hello Games announced that next week No Man's Sky will receive a major new update titled Origins.
video games
September 19, 2020