Most popular News - April 2020
PS5 and Xbox Series X May Support Ultrawide 21:9 Screens
It looks like future consoles will support the 21:9 aspect ratio. Philips has designed a new ultrawide monitor just for them.
hardware & software
Arkadiusz Strzala
April 27, 2020
Fan Recreates Need for Speed: Most Wanted in Real Life
A video appeared on YouTube, in which Need for Speed: Most Wanted has been transferred to real life. The film was created by Chekunov_v.
video games
Agnes Adamus
April 3, 2020
Bannerlord - Helpful Map of Resources and Goods
One of the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord players has prepared a map that shows the resources and goods produced by the individual villages on the game map. It is valid for the currentn version of the title (e1.1.0).
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 16, 2020
M&B2: Bannerlord - Huge Map Found in Game Files, DLC Likely
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, a recent game from TaleWorlds, may be getting a DLC. Players have found a huge map in the game files, which covers many more areas than those currently available.
video games
Daria Bochenska
April 9, 2020
Ukraine in CoD: Warzone vs Real Life
Numerous locations that can be found in Call of Duty: Warzone, e.g. stadium, dam, airport tower, supermarket or parliament, resemble places known from the real world. The developers at Infinity Ward and Raven Software were inspired primarily by the Ukrainian city of Donetsk.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 21, 2020
Bannerlord - Players Want Co-op, Devs Reply
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord from TaleWorlds is only recently available in early access, and players are already considering what features could be included in the final product. Many fans would love to see the possibility of cooperation. A studio representative commented on these requests and his forecast does not sound very optimistic.
video games
Damian Gacek
April 30, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - PC Hardware Requirements
Asobo and Microsoft revealed the hardware requirements of the PC version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, the latest installment of the popular flight simulator series.
video games
Adrian Werner
April 22, 2020
Beautiful GTA 5 With Raytracing in Ultra and 4K
The Digital Dreams channel decided to check how good GTA 5 can look with ray-tracing, refreshed textures, and polished lighting effects in 4K and Ultra settings. To realize this plan they needed a powerful GPU and a lot of RAM, but - looking at the effects - it was worth it.
video games
Conrad Hazi
April 11, 2020
Harry Potter in Minecraft - Witchcraft and Wizardry Mod Released
Virtual Hogwart has opened its doors. The full version of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a mod for Minecraft based on the Harry Potter series, has been released.
video games
Adrian Werner
April 6, 2020
The Witcher 4 Will be a Prequel Starring Ciri
According to anonymous sources, Ciri will be the main character of The Witcher 4, whose creation was recently suggested by Adam Kicinski, the CEO of CD Projekt Red. The title is to be a prequel of the third installment of the series.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 1, 2020
Wow Shadowlands Will Introduce New Graphic Settings and Character Creator
With the release of the Shadowlands expansion, the MMORPG World of Warcraft will receive several new graphics options to improve performance. The game's engine may also receive support for Variable Rate Shading and ray tracing technologies.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 17, 2020
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered PC Hardware Requirements
We have learned the official hardware requirements of the refreshed version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 story campaign.
video games
Paul Wozniak
April 1, 2020
Last Chance to Get Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition for Free
Today is the last day when owners of Minecraft: Java Edition can receive Windows 10 Edition for free.
video games
Daria Bochenska
April 19, 2020
GTA Online - Here's Map Showing Ferry Spots For the Casino Limousine
One Reddit user has prepared a convenient map showing where the limousine can drive us as part of The Casino Limousine Service added in the Diamond Casino & Resort update.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 3, 2020
Bannerlord - Percentages in Dialogues May be Irrelevant
According to some users, the dialogue system in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord lies to the players with false percentages. In many cases, a theoretical 90% chance of success turns out to be fake. It is not certain whether it is the result of faulty mechanics or a protection against so-called save scumming.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 28, 2020
New Bannerlord Update Helps Prevent In-Game Pregnancy
The creators of Mount & Blade II, TaleWorlds Entertainment, are not slowing down in the process of improving and patching their production. Yesterday, patch number e1.1.2 came out, which, among other things, reduces the chances of producing a child.
video games
Damian Gacek
April 21, 2020
Red Dead Online - Vanishing Camps Drive Players Crazy
A camp-related bug, which has long been present in Red Dead Online, makes life very difficult for some players. The bug causes camp sites to disappear for no reason or prevents camps to be set up at all.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 27, 2020
CTR: Nitro-Fueled May Come to PC
A change on Activision's support page suggests that a PC edition of Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, a refreshed version of the classic racing game from the first PlayStation, is planned.
video games
Adrian Werner
April 9, 2020
Escape from Tarkov - High Ping Will Eventually Kick You From the Server
Fans of Escape from Tarkov will finally see changes in the functioning of servers. From now on they will be kicking players with too high ping. Not only is this supposed to increase the gameplay comfort of EfT, but it should also reduce the number of cheaters.
video games
Adrian Werner
April 3, 2020
Gamers Put Justin Bieber's House Into The Sims and Classic RTS
With a bit of extra pixels, the house of singer Justin Bieber bears an uncanny resemblance to buildings from isometric PC strategy game. It is so similar in fact that people started to paste the building into screenshots from such games. The results are hilarious.
video games
Adrian Werner
April 7, 2020