News 07 September 2019
Farming Simulator 20 Launches on December 3
The latest installment of the Farming Simulator series has been announced. The portable version of the game will be marked with the number 20 and will hit the Nintendo Switch consoles on December 3, this year.
video games
Conrad Hazi
September 7, 2019
Path of Exile - Blight DLC is Available
The long-awaited Blight DLC to the action RPG Path of Exile has been released. For the time being, only PC users can enjoy the expansion, but console players will join the game on Monday.
video games
Adrian Werner
September 7, 2019
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mentioned in Guinness World Records
Star Wars Battlefront 2 from Electronic Arts has received a mention in Guinness World Records. All thanks to the comment of one of the publisher's representatives, whose entry defending the microtransaction collected over 683 thousand downvotes on the Reddit.
video games
Conrad Hazi
September 7, 2019