News 04 October 2019
Steel Division 2 Gets New Polish and German Formations
A new expansion for Steel Division 2 will be released on October 17 as part of the History Pass. The DLC will introduce, among others, an extensive campaign and four new divisions.
video games
Paul Wozniak
October 4, 2019
CoD WWII, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro in New Humble Monthly
The sale of the new Humble Monthly has begun. In accordance with the website's tradition, the first titles included in the package for this month have been revealed. This time they are Call of Duty: WWII, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
video games
Agnes Adamus
October 4, 2019
Red Dead Redemption 2 Coming to PC! Release Date Announced
Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come. Rockstar Games officially confirmed the release of the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2. The title will debut on personal computers on November 5, 2019.
video games
Paul Wozniak
October 4, 2019
FIFA 20 Beats PES 2020 and Takes Top Spot on EMEAA Sales Charts
This was to be expected – after its offcial launch, FIFA 20 took very little time to get on the first place both in digital and retail salesl. Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 defenders were unable to stop the superior enemy strikers.
video games
Matthias Pawlikowski
October 4, 2019

Outward With 400,000 Copies Sold and Hardcore Mode
The team at Nine Dots Studios boasted impressive sales of the survival RPG Outward. The game also received an update with new content, including hardcore mode.
video games
Adrian Werner
October 4, 2019
FIFA User Data Leak; EA Struggles to Contain the Problem
Problems with the FIFA Global Series gameplay registration system that launched yesterday led to a serious leak of user data. The registration website has been taken offline. Electronic Arts is in the process of analyzing the situation.
video games
Bart Swiatek
October 4, 2019

Detroit Become Human PS4 Sales Remain Great
Quantic Dream boasted of the sales results of Detroit: Become Human. The title, produced by David Cage, continues to sell well on PlayStation 4.
video games
October 4, 2019
Intel Xe GPU Expected to Debut in Mid-2020
Raja Koduri, head of Intel's graphics technology division, suggested on Twitter that dedicated Intel Xe graphics cards will be introduced next June.
hardware & software
Bart Swiatek
October 4, 2019
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Launches; Non-cosmetic Microtransactions Gone
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint made its debut on the market. Interestingly, the devs decided to remove microtransactions that speed up character progression from the game.
video games
Adrian Werner
October 4, 2019

WoW Classic - Dire Maul and Honor System Coming Later This Year
Ion Hazzikostas, the director of World of Warcraft Classic, said in an interview for PCGamer that this year the servers will enter the so-called second phase, during which players will receive new content.
video games
Bart Swiatek
October 4, 2019