News 02 March 2017
Decide who lives and who dies in We, the Revolution, a game set in 18th-century Paris
We, the Revolution is going to present the French Revolution from the perspective of a powerful judge. In this game, the player's decisions will determine the lives of many people.
video games
March 2, 2017
Borderlands 3 tech demo showcased at GDC 2017
Hungry for Borderlands 3 news? Well, not much of that yet, but there is a tech demo that shows how the game may look like.
video games
March 2, 2017
System Shock reboot switched to Unreal Engine 4
The upcoming System Shock reboot from Nightdive Studios is going to feature Unreal Engine 4 instead of Unity. There is a new video that presents the results of the shift.
video games
March 2, 2017