New World Lost 500,000 Players in a Month
New World no longer records such great results. The game has lost as many as half a million players since its release.

- New World loses players at rapid pace;
- Within a month, about 500 thousand users abandoned the title;
- The game is currently the fifth most popular title on Steam.
The dust after the release of New World has settled and the enthusiasm connected with the game is dying down. It turns out that Amazon Games' MMO is losing players very quickly. We know about this process thanks to Steam Charts, which provides information on the number of active users of individual titles available on Valve's platform.
At the time of its debut New World met with tremendous interest, as evidenced by the fact that as much as 913,000 players launched the game at one point. Unfortunately, more than half of them no longer use Amazon's MMO. According to statistics, the production has lost about 500 thousand users. This sets the average number of players launching it in the last 30 days at "only" 371 thousand.

The decline is clearly visible on the charts provided by Steam Charts. From week to week New World was losing the interest of more players. Despite this at the time of writing this message, the game was the fifth most popular title on Steam.
This situation also certainly does not mean that the MMO from Amazon is in for an imminent death. The decrease in the number of players had to happen sooner or later - maintaining such high interest from the day of the launch was simply impossible. The only surprise is the scope of this phenomenon.
The resignation of some players may have been affected by the never-ending problems in New World. Just mention the various bugs, among which we can find ways to achive invincibility or dupe gold. We also can not ignore the specter of economic crisis in the game world, which worries some users. Developers from Amazon Games must urgently remedy these difficulties, so that the number of players abandoning the game does not grow even more.