Netflix Games Launches; Video Games Now Available to Subscribers

Netflix Games officially launches. From today, all subscribers can play several titles at no extra charge thanks to VoD's platform new service.

Adam Krolak

Netflix is getting bolder and bolder in the video game industry. Starting today, subscribers to the world's most popular VoD platform can play five mobile productions on Android smartphones at no additional cost. Just download the selected titles from the Google Play store.

A new feature called Netflix Games was released today made available to all subscribers. So far the American giant has been testing the service in several countries. The offer is not impressive, because it includes only a few items, but - as the company says - this is just the beginning of an "exciting journey". Users from around the world can play: Stranger Things 1984, Stranger Things 3: The Game, Shooting Hoops, Card Blast and Teeter Up.

"Whether you’re craving a casual game you can start from scratch or an immersive experience that lets you dig deeper into your favorite stories, we want to begin to build a library of games that offers something for everyone. We’re in the early days of creating a great gaming experience, and we’re excited to take you on this journey with us," reads Netflix's official website.

Netflix Games Launches; Video Games Now Available to Subscribers - picture #1

How to play.

Anyone who has an Android smartphone or tablet (and an active subscription) can easily download the productions available on Netflix Games. Just find the "Games" tab at the bottom of the screen and select the item you are interested in. You can also use the search engine directly in the Google Play store.

The company assures that the service will not contain any ads, additional fees or microtransactions. It is worth remembering that the new feature is available only on Android devices for now. Support for iOS has already been announced, so iPhone owners will also have the opportunity to immerse in the world of Netflix Games.

Lack of Internet does not have to be a problem, because many titles will enable us to play offline - at least so assures the corporation. This should reassure people who spend a lot of time on the go and do not always have a connection to the network. In turn, parents will certainly be pleased with the information that the service has not been introduced in the profiles for children. Netflix reminds us about the PIN lock option so that our kids don't have access to adult accounts.

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Adam Krolak

Author: Adam Krolak

Computer geek, enthusiast of older and forgotten productions with soul (mainly RPG and strategic games), which he still plays to this day. He often returns to the 8-bit games that he used to play in his childhood. Enjoys traveling and learning languages. Interested in Asia, with a focus on Indonesia, Japan, and Korea. Likes Asian cinema, Indonesian cuisine, and fantasy books.

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