Mysterious Player Joined Helldivers 2 and Put Yet Unavailable Vehicle Into Battle. Players Believe That This Is THE Joel

Did the game master honor fans with his presence on the battlefield? In the process, he didn't forget about Easter gifts.

Alexandra Sokol

Source: Arrowhead Game Studios

The Helldivers 2 community has been talking about a certain Joel for a long time. The game master, who determines the fate of players defending Super Earth, is the topic of many discussions about the morality of developers - not all players are happy that one real person is responsible for events that are unfortunate for them.

It's hard to deny Arrowhead Game Studios' creativity. Liked or not, Joel has become a "cult" figure for the world of Helldivers, and judging by recent reports, making soldiers' lives miserable isn't in his nature.

The game master enters the fray

The events in question took place last Monday. A YouTube user named Ardy shared a clip of a Helldivers player who, before leaving the game, left behind a large APC transporter for the team.

We aren't talking here about an ordinary player, nor even about a gift. The vehicle from "Joel" isn't yet available in the actual game - so far it is not known when transporters will actually be introduced in Helldivers 2. Hence, there is a high probability that the mysterious guest was the game master himself.

Mods predicting the future?

Certainly, with Arrowhead developers in mind, no one will openly acknowledge that Joel from the clip is the real deal. There is a high probability that the surprise came from a modder who dug into the game files concealing APC. Then appropriating the "divine" name would only be a prank directed at the fans.

Whether it's a joke or not, there was quite a stir among the fans, tinged with a bit of excitement. The video has been shared by larger social media accounts, including Helldivers 2 Media on X.

"Needs to get back to work." What are you planning, Joel...?

-- Mister Sir

Helldiver, it's dangerous to go alone. Take this! *somewhere on the planet newly made anti tank flying bugs spawn in*


Helldivers 2

February 8, 2024

PC PlayStation
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Alexandra Sokol

Author: Alexandra Sokol

She joined Gamepressure in the summer of 2023. Talks about games and events from their world. A graduate of English philology, who was able to dedicate her entire scientific work to the character of Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series. She has experience in working on audiovisual translations, and currently combines her job as an English teacher with her passion, which is writing. Privately a bookworm, mother of two cats, and a fervent fan of Dragon Age and Cyberpunk 2077, who has spent half her life on the fandom side of the Internet.

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