My Time at Sandrock - Save Game Data Location
In this guide, you will learn where the save game files are located in My Time at Sandrock. This will help you copy and secure your saves.
Source: Steam | My Time at Sandrock
My Time at Sandrock is a game that impresses with its beautiful world, pleasant graphics and the option to interact with NPCs. You can get involved in this game for many hours. Although the game saves the game state on Steam in the cloud, some players prefer to know, where their save file is, so that if their computer crashes, they can transfer it to ensure that hours of progress are not lost.
My Time at Sandrock - save file
The save file is located on the drive where you installed the game via Steam. This is usually the C: drive - in which case the location is in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[Steam User Id]\1084600\remote
The name of each file contains the date the character was created, the date the game was played, and a string of other characters. The save file always has a ".save" extension.
Saving the game
Unlike My Time at Portia, in My Time at Sandrock you can save your progress anytime and anywhere, using the options menu or by going to bed. So there's no worry that we won't be able to save the game whenever we want. This is especially useful when we have to suddenly leave the computer.
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