How to Emote in Multiversus?
From this post you will learn how to use emotes in MultiVersus.
MultiVersus is a network fighting game, in which characters from Warner Bros' most famous brands face off. During skirmishes you can perform different kinds of emotes. In this post you will learn how to use them.
Using emotes in MultiVersus is very simple. Just use the following buttons:
- T, 2, 3, 4 if you play with a mouse and keyboard;
- D-pad when using a gamepad.
Basically, each character has one unique gesture (hidden under the T or the top button of the D-pad). Over time, however, more emotes will be unlocked. In total, you can have 4 different gestures assigned.
To choose which emotes belong to a particular character you have to go to the menu and select the "collection" tab. There you will select a particular character. This will open the personalization panel. There, you can click on one of the four windows representing emote slots and decide what to assign to them.
More about MultiVersus:
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