Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Visual Comparison

A video published on YouTube shows the visual changes introduced in the remasters from the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition set.


  1. First visual comparison of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition with the original games was released on YouTube;
  2. The graphical changes are very noticeable and affect many different areas.

The first visual comparison of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition remaster with the original games included in the trilogy has appeared online. We must admit that the difference in quality is very noticeable, although much depends on the scene - in some moments the improvement is more pronounced, in others less.

The changes apply to character models, textures, environmental detail, and individual scenes (for example, look out for the extra detail and ships visible when the Normandy approaches the Citadel at the very beginning of the video - around the 0:16 mark). The lighting has also been modified in some cases. It should be noted, however, that by the time ME: Legendary Edition is released, the graphics may still yet change.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition was announced in November last year. The game will launch on May 14, 2020 and will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (although it is worth noting that it will also be compatible with current-gen platforms - PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S).

  1. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Preview - Ultimate Reason to (Re)play Mass Effect
  2. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - official website
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