BioWare Withdraws Mass Effect Figurine After Player Protests
The controversial figurine featuring Commander Shepard did not please the fans. BioWare has withdrawn it from the store. Spoiler alert!

Mass Effect is immensely popular among the gamers, so it's no surprise that BioWare's store offers a lot of items referring to it, such as mugs, T-shirts, etc. Recently, the offer has expanded to include rather controversial figurine, which was quickly withdrawn due to opposition from fans of the series.
Note: The following text contains a small spoiler regarding the beginning of Mass Effect 2.
Figure stirs controversy

The figurine in question depicts a female version of Shepard, and there would be nothing controversial about it, if not for the fact that it immortalizes the moment of the protagonist's death, which occurs at the beginning of Mass Effect 2. Players were disgusted not only by the item itself, but also its description, which reads "The Mass Effect Shepard’s Death Statue depicts Mass Effect 2's dramatic opening scene: Commander Shepard expelled from a crumbling Normandy and hurtling through space to her untimely demise."
The figurine has been withdrawn from BioWare's store, and the company itself issued a message to the fans:
"Hi all,
Earlier today, we announced the sale of our latest Mass Effect Shepard statue. This statue was intended to be part of a series, commemorating some of the key and most emotional moments in the series. The way we announced it did not convey that properly, nor does it give the moment in the series the credit it deserves. As a result, we'll be pausing sales on the statue until we can share the larger plan with you.
Thank you,
BioWare Gear Store"