Well-known LoL Character Gets a Huge Rework

A description and presentation of the character of Dr. Mundo after the planned rework has surfaced on the web. It presents the new skills and appearance of League of Legends' popular top-laner.

Michal Ciezadlik

  • We learned the new skills and appearance of Dr. Mundo - a popular champion from League of Legends;
  • A description of the rework of the well-known top-laner has appeared in the web, featuring quite a few changes;
  • Players are divided on whether it's a positive or negative change.

A rundown of a revamped version of Dr. Mundo, a popular character in League of Legends, appeared on the web. The ruindown reveals how the appearance and skills of the chemist from Zaun will change. Also presented were new versions of the character's splash arts. The refreshed version of Dr. Mundo will debut on Summoner's Rift lanes most likely on the occasion of patch 11.12.

Below we present a video with the hero's skills and their description:

Skill description:

  1. Passive Ability - Goes Where He Pleases: Dr. Mundo resists the next immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing current health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby. Dr. Mundo can pick it up by walking over it, restoring a portion of maximum health and reducing this passive's cooldown. Enemies moving over the cannister destroy it.
  2. Q - Infected Bonesaw: Dr. Mundo throws an infected bonesaw, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit based on their current health and slowing them.
  3. W - Heart Zapper: Dr. Mundo electrocutes himself for a few seconds, dealing persistent magic damage to nearby enemies and storing a portion of damage he takes as grey health. At the end of the duration, Dr. Mundo deals a burst of magic damage to nearby enemies and heals his grey health if an enemy is hit (heal reduced if only minions or monsters are hit). Dr. Mundo can recast Heart Zapper to end its effects early.
  4. E - Blunt Force Trauma: Passive - Dr. Mundo has bonus attack damage, increasing based on his missing health. Active - Dr. Mundo slams his “medical” bag into an enemy, dealing physical damage based on his missing health. If the enemy dies they are swatted away, dealing this ability's minimum damage to enemies they pass through.
  5. R (Ultimate Skill) - Maximum Dosage: Dr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, instantly healing a percent of his missing health. He then heals a portion of his maximum health over a long duration, gaining bonus movement speed and attack damage while healing.

Reactions of players to the new version of the popular character are quite diverse, some consider the rework a change for the better, the other say that the character will lose its usefulness. Below we quote some player statements from Reddit.

"Basically each ability is an improved version of his old ones," writes user turtle 921.

"His W is a little worse since it’s not a toggle perma aoe damage + tenacity skill now it seems," writes Abject-Protection502.

A more extensive comment was left by Reddit user Hurry_False 2:

"His W no longer gives tenacity, is not a toggle, and deals very low damage. His E no longer gives % MR. His R heals way less and lasts way less time as well, although the fact that it instantly heals as opposed to having a health cost should be nice.

Honestly it seems like he will be really bad unless his numbers are just strong. His new passive sounds really janky. Only being able to block a single instance of CC and then having to path towards his container to renew his passive just sounds like it will be janky and not very useful in teamfights."

Despite the divided opinions, players will be eagerly awaiting the appearance of the refreshed Dr. Mundo in the lounge. This is expected to happen in the next patch.

League of Legends

October 6, 2009

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Michal Ciezadlik

Author: Michal Ciezadlik

Joined GRYOnline.pl in December 2020 and has remained loyal to the Newsroom ever since, although he also collaborated with Friendly Fire, where he covered TikTok. A semi-professional musician, whose interest began already in childhood. He is studying journalism and took his first steps in radio, but didn't stay there for long. Prefers multiplayer; he has spent over 1100 hours in CS:GO and probably twice as much in League of Legends. Nevertheless, won't decline a good, single-player game either.

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