LoL Should Have More Skins Like These

LoL players are already thinking about Christmas. The community is longing not only for winter skins, but also a special version of the map, which has not been seen in the game for several years.

League of Legends has a big problem with skins. Players not only complain about Riot Games monotoneous approach to designing skins, but also about the lack of those that would bring a unique atmosphere to the game. In this case, a festive one.

Christmas in League of Legends

Yes, yes the summer holidays are still on, however, fans of LoL will always find a topic for discussion. This time it fell on Riot Games' attitude towards Christmas. Well, the last skins that in some way referred to this period appeared 4 years ago - in 2018.

These included Frozen Prince Mundo, Snowman Yi, Neeko and Soraka of Winter Delight and Ice King Twitch. In 2019, although the Snowdown Showdown series continued, the Sugar Rush skins could hardly be called Christmas-themed.

LoL Should Have More Skins Like These - picture #1

Snowman Yi of 2018Source:

Why did Riot Games stop making such skins? They didn't sell well enough, and players themselves were also reluctant to use them outside the winter season.

"Riot's official reason for not doing them anymore is that they poorly sold in that year. But let's be honest: they choose a bunch of champions that were kinda unpopular (Mundo, Twitch), and so didnt sell. If they would insert an Ahri, a Lux, or a Kai'Sa i'm sure they will carry over the sales," wrote yukine95.

Winter map

Although the winter didnt' appear on Summoner's Rift for 3 years now, it's only been revealed only in 2020 that Riot is not very eager to change Summoner's Rift's appearance for Christmas in the long run.

"So… Will we ever bring back snow back to the Rift? The answer is maybe, but we don’t have any plans to at the moment.[...] we’d need to make snowy versions of all four Elemental Rifts as well as snowy alcove areas. It’s not a technical challenge but would take some time to make the art for, and it’s not something we’re planning on this year," excerpt from Ask Riot: Winter on the Rift?

This problem, however, the players can remedy. Thanks to the Winter Rift modification, created by TheKillerey, you can play on winter Summoner's Rift even all year round. In short, what Riot Games didn't want to do, the author of the project did.

It is worth noting here that although the mod is being updated, the its current version is adapted only to LoL version 12.8. You can see what the Winter Rift looks like below.

League of Legends

October 6, 2009

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