Instagram Tests Option to Remove Like Counter From Photos

There are many indications that soon it will not be possible to see how many people liked someone's photo on Instagram. All because of the desire to eliminate unhealthy competition between users.

Milosz Szubert

Likes - an element without which it is difficult to imagine any social networking site. You can find them on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It is very likely, however, that in the latter their role will soon be significantly reduced. In Canada, the owners of this popular website's app for uploading photos take part in tests to see how it works if you hide the number of likes and dislikes in posts of other users. Although you can still give "hearts", but the amount of them is visible only to the person who uploaded the photo or film.

Instagram does not want young people to lose their self-esteem because of the number of likes and dislikes.

Where did the decision came from? Unfortunately, more and more often on the Internet we can meet people who are obsessed with how many likes and dislikes their post will amass. This is largely the case with Instagram, which many people, especially young people, treat as a kind of "vanity fair". When they see that someone else's picture attracts more attention, their self-esteem drops dramatically. According to The Independent, a recent survey of 3826 Canadian teenagers found that social media can cause depression, as minors compare themselves to filtered and unrealistic images of others.

The owners of Instagram are anxious that users do not see Instagram as a competitive field. To quote its representative, Tara Hopkins:

“We want Instagram to be a place where people feel comfortable expressing themselves,” said Hopkins “This includes helping people to focus on the photos and videos they share, not how many likes they get.

Instagram "hearts" have become the whole world for many.

Soon, users from Ireland, Japan, Italy, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand will be able to see how Instagram works in a version without visible likes in the photos. Website's representatives emphasize that they still have to learn a lot about whether their idea works and whether using the website in this form is a positive experience. It will be a long time before the "heart" counter on other people's photos will disappear from Instagram for good (if at all).

You're breaking Instagram's rules? First, you will receive a warning.

Speaking of interesting things related to Instagram, under the website's new policy, people at risk of ban will first receive an appropriate warning. They will be able to remove illegal content, such as pornography, and thus avoid being thrown out of the service. More details on this subject can be found here.

  1. Instagram homepage
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Milosz Szubert

Author: Milosz Szubert

A film expert by education. Has been working at since January 2017. A fan of tennis, basketball, comics, good books, history, and strategic games by Paradox. Recently a self-taught Game Master (apparently he's quite good at it). For several years, he edited films on the Notatnik Kinomana channel on YouTube.

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