How to deal with mole in A Game About Digging A Hole

Should you need a hand with moles problem in A Game About Digging A Hole, you are in the right spot. Here you will learn how to deal with them.

Aleksander Kartasinski

Source: A Game About Digging A Hole, Developer: Cyberwave

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you dug a really deep hole in the ground? Many of us probably attempted that in Minecraft, yet it doesn’t allow to go too far, as eventually there is an unbreakable bedrock layer that prevents curious players from moving further down. This must have really frustrated a Cyberwave developer. Ben created A Game About Digging A Hole that focuses on an adventure to the depths below. The title is very descriptive on its own, but it holds some dark secrets, too. In the underground caverns that you’ll eventually stumble upon, you will find gigantic moles. They give a headache to multiple players, so here you will learn how to deal with them.

Moles in A Game About Digging A Hole explained

What can be so interesting about digging a hole? Probably many things. We can ask one of several thousand players enjoying A Game About Digging A Hole. Although, for some, saying that they “enjoy” it, is a bit of an overstatement, since there is a group who finds it challenging to get past giant moles that the title sports. Since the production is pretty chill, it draws in many players who didn’t sign up for more intense moments. How do you work around those subterranean mammals then?

The simple answer is – run! Get away from the black menace as soon as possible down the tunnels to break the line of sight. Do not forget to hold shift key (by default) while doing so. Contrary to real-life moles, which are practically blind and rely on other senses, in this game they do follow you depending on their vision. This means that as soon as you disappear from their field of view, they will break the chase. Alternatively, you can sneak behind them when they look away.

As this production is not about fighting, it is not possible to harm the creature. Despite the fact that you have dynamite at your disposal, it cannot be used to get rid of the mole. The only way is to avoid them as much as possible. Good luck!

A Game About Digging a Hole

February 7, 2025

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Aleksander Kartasinski

Author: Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.