Horses in The Sims 4 Now Official; Horse Ranch DLC Announced

The official trailer for The Sims 4 Horse Ranch DLC has finally confirmed the theories about the introduction of horses into the game and presented the rest of the elements of the new world.

Sonia Selerska

Source: EA

After many requests, hints and leaks, the long-awaited expansion pack introducing horses to The Sims 4 finally received an official announcement trailer. Most of the theories put forward until then were thus confirmed.

Everything we know about horses

The expansion will be released on July 20, 2023, but it can already be pre-ordered. The price is $39.99

All those who decide to purchase the DLC before August 31 will also receive 3 additional items, which will no longer be available after this promotion ends.

Information provided on EA's official website dispels any doubts that may have remained after watching the trailer:

  • Thanks to The Sims 4 Horse Ranch we will move to Chestnut Ridge - a picturesque Land inspired by the American Wild West.
  • As the name of the expansion suggests, instead of focusing on the horses themselves, the upcoming DLC is expected to provide us with a full range of challenges and adventures related to life on the ranch, including raising animals, taking care of their needs, creating nectar from raised crops and participating in the life of the surrounding community.
  • The bustling town is expected to be an ideal area for hosting and experiencing new events - outdoor parties, cowboy-style dances, cooking contests or Animal Day.
  • The horses themselves, which will become a new part of our virtual families, will grow up with us, from foals to adult stallions and mares. They can be acquired in a number of ways: we will be able to fully customize them in sim creation mode, purchase them or welcome them into the world as offspring of the adult horses we already own.
  • The mounts are to have four developable stats - temperament, agility, jumping and endurance.

First reactions

As is usually the case, the announcement of the DLC aroused mixed emotions among The Sims fan community.

Some players did not hide their excitement at the final confirmation of the long-lasting speculations. Others could not, unfortunately, ignore what they consider ridiculous horses of strange proportions, with unnatural-looking animations.

Even Chelsea Farace, whose photos were the basis of the horses featured in Red Dead Redemption II, joined the discussion. In her reaction to the trailer she found several shortcomings, but her first impressions seem positive.

Even so, only after the release will we be able to fully assess whether The Sims 4 Horse Ranch was worth such a long wait.

  1. Detailed description of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch on EA's website.

The Sims 4

September 2, 2014

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Sonia Selerska

Author: Sonia Selerska

Began her professional writing adventure for in 2022, but she has always been interested in all forms of the written word. A student of Film and Multimedia with a specialization in Game Design and Development, deeply follows the blurring boundary between these two worlds. Sometimes, embarrassingly, appreciates style over substance. In the case of media, more often than not, goes to extremes; she can never choose between documentaries and horror films, and cozy games, life simulators, and animations. You will find her playing old-school consoles and indie gems rather than AAA titles. Devotes her free time to her love of fashion and art in a broader sense. Believes that the plot is the most crucial element of a game, and the most compelling stories are the ones inspired by everyday life.

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