Holocure - How to Get Couch Potato Achievement
In HoloCure you can get a difficult achievement called Couch Potato. In this guide you will learn how to unlock it.
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HoloCure is a free roguelike in which you fight against hosts of enemies. During the adventure you will be able to earn many achievements. One of them - Couch Potato - is particularly challenging. In this guide you will find information that will help you get it.
Couch Potato achievement in HoloCure
To get the Couch Potato achievement in HoloCure you must complete Stage Mode without making a move. This is a big challenge for two reasons:
- You cannot retreat before the advancing wave of enemies;
- You will only collect experience points from enemies dying in very close proximity to you.
Therefore, this trophy requires you not only skill, but also luck.
The best character to get the Couch Potato achievement in HoloCure.
There are several characters that will do well when trying to unlock this achievement. Among them you will find:
- Tsukumo Sana - basicaly has a lot of health points. Her skill, however, enables you to collect more experience points from bigger area and thus advance faster.
- Ceres Fauna - its weapon, Nature Shield, when upgraded, provides very good protection from damage.
- Anya Melfissa - one of her skills gives total immunity to damage. Thanks to this she will do very well against powerful bosses.
Tips for getting the Couch Potato achievement in HoloCure.
During the gameplay you will advance to higher and higher levels. As you progress your character, you will be able to choose upgrades and new weapons. However, the bonuses available at a given stage will be randomly generated, so a lot depends on luck.
If possible, choose enhancements that increase your healing abilities and damage.. It is also worth opting for items such as:
- Nurse's Horn, giving you a chance to regain health after defeating an opponent.
- Plushie, causing the damage inflicted to be spread out over time.
- Limiter, increasing the range of picking up objects from the ground.
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