Hogwarts Legacy Will Have Zonko's Joke Shop
The creators of Hogwarts Legacy have announced that the game will include Zonko's Joke Shop, a place where you can buy prank gadgets.

Following the recent presentation of Hogwarts Legacy the game has become one of the most anticipated releases of the year. That's why we welcome any fresh information about it with great interest. The latest is the confirmation that the famous Zonko's Joke Shop will appear in the game.
The creators announced it on the game's Twitter account, publishing a screenshot showing how the shop will look like in Hogwarts Legacy.
Located in the village of Hogsmeade, Zonko's Joke Shop specializes in selling accessories for playing magical pranks. The place was very popular among Hogwarts students until it was closed during the events surrounding Lord Voldemort's return. Afterwards, Fred and George Weasley attempted to buy the place, and their own business, located on Diagon Alley, was modeled after Zonko's Joke Shop.
Hogwarts Legacy is coming to PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. It will launch later this year.
Recall that in recent weeks there was no shortage of new information about this project. We learned, among other things, that the game may feature an ancestor of a certain Death Eater. The creators have also confirmed that Hogwarts Legacy will be a single-player only game and we won't find any microtransactions in it.