Hogwarts Legacy Devs May Try to Tempt Us With Early Access to Preorder
A list of possible extras offered as part of pre-orders for Hogwarts Legacy has surfaced on the web. These include early access to the game, a steelbook, as well as several cosmetic items.

Launch of Hogwarts Legacy is still some time away - the game by Avalanche Software will be released in the period leading up to this year's Christmas. Its publisher, Warner Bros., is probably getting ready to start accepting pre-orders. A list of extras which will be bundled with the game has been leaked on the web.
Hogwarts Legacy preorders to launch soon?
It was found by Reddit user opalelement. Gaining access was surprisingly easy - it was enough to go to the game's official website and then open its source coude. The code thus displayed showed the following digital and physical goods (self translation):
- Thestral Mount;
- Dark Arts Cosmetic Pack;
- Dark Arts Battle Arena;
- Dark Arts Garrison Hat;
- Access to the game 72 hours before release;
- Kelpie Robe;
- steelbook;
- Floating Ancient Magic Wand with Book.
Confirmation - sort of
While the first six items in the list above appear to be digital goods (e.g. the arena is probably a DLC), the last two - and the penultimate one for sure - appear to be physical items. If that's the case, they'll likely be included in collector's editions of Hogwarts Legacy and the others will be included in the digital editions. This is because such two tags were found in the code of the website.
Opalelement pointed out that the list - which he claims to have noticed some time ago but only published online today - may be incomplete, and elements of it could change before the official announcement. However, all indications are that it is real - the post was approved in advance by Reddit moderation for fear that its publication would result in the removal of the list from the game's source code. About five hours after it appeared online, the website's data had apparently been updated, as currently, none of the items mentioned above can be found in its code. What was leaked, however, can no longer be hidden.
This indicates that the list is probably true. So it can be expected that Warner Bros. will announce the start of preorders soon. As a reminder I will add that Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled for release on PC, PS4, PS5, XOne, XSX/S and Switch.