Harmonic Interface in NMS; Glyphs Explained

In this guide we will tell you how to solve the harmonic interface puzzle in NMS. We will explain the glyphs and inform you how to use them.

Aleksander Kartasinski


No Man’s Sky, despite rocky start way back in 2016, keeps delivering new updates packed with features. With every single one of them, the game gets better and richer in content. The last update called “Interceptor”, which debuted on April 5th, continues this trend. As a part of this update, among others, players can get Sentinel Multitool and Jetpack. Doing that requires solving glyphs puzzle using Harmonic Interface. Let’s explore how to do it.

How to find Harmonic Camp

Path to acquire Sentinel Multitool and Jetpack is multi-layered. Firstly, it is required to get an Echo Locator item, that can be dropped by defeating Corrupted Sentinel enemies.

When the device is acquired, the player will be able to resonate (clicking “E” by default) after selecting it in the inventory. Doing so will locate a Harmonic camp. It is worth noting that it is necessary to be in the system including Corrupted Planets, otherwise the Echo Locator won’t work.

Harmonic Interface glyphs explained

After locating and arriving to the Harmonic camp, the player has to approach the biggest building in the centre of the camp and interact with a computer-like device called Harmonic Interface. After interacting with it, there will be several options to choose from. To start the glyph puzzle, select “Scan memory registers” for a clue on how to solve it. The Harmonic Interface will show three easy math equations. Solve them and remember those one-digit numbers.

Source: own.

Next, go back by selecting “Access main interface” and then choose “Input override glyphs”. Select glyphs with numbers that were the results of the previous calculations, and the puzzle will be solved.

With all of that done you can claim your jetpack from the Harmonic Interface and Sentinel Multitool from the nearby tent. Enjoy!

Read also:

  1. No Man's Sky With Another Big Update
  2. NMS Interceptor Update - Corrupted Planets Explained
  3. How to Get Harmonic Brain in NMS

No Man's Sky

August 9, 2016

PC PlayStation Xbox Nintendo
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Aleksander Kartasinski

Author: Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.

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