Half-Life Games Available For Free

In anticipation of the March release of Half-Life: Alyx, Valve released the previous installments of the iconic series about the adventures of Gordon Freeman for free. All Steam users can benefit from the action.


Last year's announcement of Half-Life: Alyx, a VR spin-off to Half-Life, poured new hope into the hearts of fans for a full-fledged continuation of the series, whose second installment was released sixteen years ago. This means that people who will potentially have fun with the new spin-off are people who didn't have the chance to play the originals or even were born at the time of their release . It seems that in order to remind players about the universe, as well as its key characters, including the title Alyx Vance, the main protagonist of the upcoming game, Valve has prepared a special offer. Some Steam users were notified yesterday that the Half-Life collection will be available for free until the release of HL: Alyx, scheduled for March this year.

And indeed, Valve has just confirmed that beginning with today and until the release of Half-Life: Alyx, all willing Steam users can play the following games for free:

  1. Half-Life
  2. Half-Life 2
  3. Half-Life 2: Episode One
  4. Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Some time ago, PC Gamer noticed that Half-Life and The Orange Box collections have already disappeared from the store's offer. The titles could be purchased only individually or in a set. Half-Life and Half-Life 2 were of course discounted a countless number of times at this point, and even given away for free. Thanks to this, a large percentage of Steam users already have both productions in their libraries. The new promotion will certainly not hurt Half-Life: Alyx, which quickly became the most anticipated VR game in history.

Half-Life: Alyx will contain a number of direct references to the storyline of both parts of Half-Life and their expansions.

  1. Half-Life: Alyx - official website


November 19, 1998

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